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Script Debugging window for every Messenger client
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O.P. Script Debugging window for every Messenger client
I don't know much about Scripts and Debugging Scripts but while I was playing with those options yesterday, there were more than one Messenger client opened on my computer. When I clicked on "Show Script Debugging" from the Plus! menu, it opened Script Debugging Windows in the number of opened Messenger clients. I think, it is not necessary for each Messenger client to have a seperate Debugging window, only one window must be enough.

Also when you click again on "Show Script Debugging" from any Contact List's Plus! menu, it closes all of them. But if you click on X on them or close from the taskbar, then only that one is being closed. (I think this second paragraph is not important, because such multiple debugging windows are obviously a bug, and will be fixed, eh? :) )
11-02-2007 06:57 PM
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RE: Script Debugging window for every Messenger client
It can be handy to have them open for more than one account. I have had to make script where I needed a second account open to test them. You can then see exactly who had the error and why it happened.

I'm guessing this happens because, despite having polygamy support, MP!L only uses a single set of registry keys. This would be the same reason all accounts on one PC must have the same scripts running and so on.
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11-03-2007 10:14 AM
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RE: Script Debugging window for every Messenger client
I don't see anything wrong with the Script Debugging window opening for each instance of messenger as long as the option is ticked.

However, a registry setting for each account to show script or not might be a good idea. But then, the script debugging window is launched as soon as messenger is launched and not when someone signs in so this cannot be implemented.

As Spunky said, if the script debugging window is opened for each instance of messenger you can see exactly who had the error and why it happened but something which could like differentiate between the two debugging windows so that we know which one belongs to which instance of messenger would be good.
11-03-2007 10:22 AM
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RE: Script Debugging window for every Messenger client
Originally posted by Felu
As Spunky said, if the script debugging window is opened for each instance of messenger you can see exactly who had the error and why it happened but something which could like differentiate between the two debugging windows so that we know which one belongs to which instance of messenger would be good.

A good way to differentiate accounts is to use 2 (or more) different colours for 2 different accounts. E.g. Account 1 is red  Account 2 is Blue

Messenger Plus! GUI bases itself on whatever colour you use anyway, so why not just differentiate the accounts that way?
Red Bull Racing Australia - Triple Eight Race Engineering - Holden
11-03-2007 10:38 AM
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RE: Script Debugging window for every Messenger client
Originally posted by MattyRid
Originally posted by Felu
As Spunky said, if the script debugging window is opened for each instance of messenger you can see exactly who had the error and why it happened but something which could like differentiate between the two debugging windows so that we know which one belongs to which instance of messenger would be good.

A good way to differentiate accounts is to use 2 (or more) different colours for 2 different accounts. E.g. Account 1 is red  Account 2 is Blue

Messenger Plus! GUI bases itself on whatever colour you use anyway, so why not just differentiate the accounts that way?
They are talking about having multiple script debugging windows vs. one script debugging window, the colours are only useful when you have multiple instances of the window.

Personally I feel you need a new script debugging window for each instance. Polygammy is a very tricky thing and can lead to problems, you want to be able to tell exactly what is going on with as much detail as possible when debugging (especially with some scripts over 1500 lines long).

Originally posted by ahmetgns
Also when you click again on "Show Script Debugging" from any Contact List's Plus! menu, it closes all of them. But if you click on X on them or close from the taskbar, then only that one is being closed.
I think that the unticking shouldn't effect the other instances of the Debugger either and it should act how it does with the tick thing as when you close it using the X.  It's not a big deal though as the number of scripters is very small realisticly and this is very minor even for those developers.
[Image: markee.png]
11-03-2007 11:28 AM
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