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[Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
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O.P. [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
I drew my dream in Paint :P, and I hope you all like it and Patchou add it soon.

[Image: attachment.php?pid=872710]

This idea flashed at my mind when I installed DP script because it added a lot of commands and scanning the window for a normal Plus! command became very hard (you'll see, those dp commands are still there, they are everywhere :P) I hope, the picture is clear enough how I expect it to work and in case of an addition, I would like the selected buttons are remembered all the time, for example if I select only one button today, when I opened it tomorrow, it will show that button selected again (an advance suggestion :)) (aha, one more suggestion I was about to forget, can it list all type of commands together, I mean, all Plus! commands are together, all scripts commands are together and after grouping them, you can, I hope, list them in alpabetic order.)

Also "[edit:] can" the quick texts (if exist) show the Quick Text itself instead of a default "Quick Text" in their tooltips.I know if the quick text is too long, or multilined it will be bad, but in those cases, the quick text can be truncated after some longness, but it would still useful to get a hint what that quick text is about.


.png File Attachment: commands.PNG (7.95 KB)
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This post was edited on 12-15-2007 at 10:27 AM by ahmetgns.
12-11-2007 10:53 PM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
If implemented in a non-intrusive way that would indeed be very good :)
Segosa is newb.
12-11-2007 11:02 PM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
You almost got my vote for this...

Although after a quick thought I see a small problem:

This panel is more meant for giving a hint in which commands start with a certain letter. I think it is less meant for showing what commands are available as a whole (for that you have the menus).

This means that if you previously selected to only see the script commands, and you start to type a build-in Plus! command, what should the window do? Show you an empty panel (because you didn't entered a script command) - which goes against the purpose of this window? Or ignore the previous selection and still show you all the available commands starting with the letters you've just typed?

In the latter case, the buttons would be useless, since the window will ignore them anyways...

In the first case the panel would be empty, as if such command doesn't exists. Personally I don't like that though, but that's just me.

So the only usefull thing I see about this is to show you a list of commands in one particualr category when you didn't entered a first letter after the slash. (which is also what the menus are for)... Since as soon as you start to type letters, all the commands of all the categories should be shown again.

It wouldn't be bad, but it wouldn't be very usefull either. Except for seeing all the available script commands under eachother, I don't see much use in this since you have the menus which list all the commands per categorie.

This post was edited on 12-11-2007 at 11:26 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
12-11-2007 11:18 PM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
Yeah, its a great suggestion. Could be implemented when there are lots and lots of commands in, like, MP!L v8.5
[Image: 2764.png]
[Image: internet.png]
12-11-2007 11:32 PM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
Well Cookie... you could implement it where:

if you filter certain categories and then no commands are present in that category as the user types in more of the command then it will show commands matching from other categories too. So basicially, it only shows matching commands from all categories when the user refines his search down to a point where there is no matching commands in the filtered categories.

Although.. other than that i completely agree what you're saying and yeah its probably not worth Patchou's time at the moment to implement.

Originally posted by Kezzinator29
Yeah, its a great suggestion. Could be implemented when there are lots and lots of commands in, like, MP!L v8.5

Hopefully if Patchou ever lets Plus! get to the stage where theres a zillion commands (which i don't think he would) he'd design some other method of command finding/searching.
Segosa is newb.
12-12-2007 12:54 AM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
Originally posted by Chestah
Well Cookie... you could implement it where:

if you filter certain categories and then no commands are present in that category as the user types in more of the command then it will show commands matching from other categories too. So basicially, it only shows matching commands from all categories when the user refines his search down to a point where there is no matching commands in the filtered categories.
I thought of that also, but I like that even less then just an empty panel because it would become really confusing in certain situations.

What about a situation where you have script commands like /awaynow, /awaydelay, /awayoff and you've previsouly only selected the script commands to be shown.

You would completely miss the buid-in /away command, since the panel wouldn't be empty. But the panel would also only show those three script commands....

This isn't the best example at all, but shows how it can be confusing to some users (who don't know all the commands by heart <= for which this panel was especially created in the first place).

Then again, you could say they should turn off the script selection. But what is the use then?

Unless the selection _is_ reset each time the panel is opened. In that way there wouldn't be any confussion as the /away command would show up. And if the user then thinks "Hey, wait a minute, this is still a long list and I don't need the /away command" he could _intentionally_ refine the search by pressing the buttons.

I know I wouldn't use those selections anyways in normal IM use. Only very rarely and maybe when I do need to check upon a particular script or something. And afterwards I don't want to type again "/" to reset everything back for the next command I need to find.... So I think the selection should not be remembered at all.

dunno... this is again some of those great suggestions of which you say "YES!", until you start thinking about it....
^^ not meant sarcastically

This post was edited on 12-12-2007 at 01:18 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
12-12-2007 01:13 AM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
this was meant to be stolen from intellisense, not be its own dialog. this is just adding bloat.
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12-12-2007 01:17 AM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
Originally posted by CookieRevised
dunno... this is again some of those great suggestions of which you say "YES!", until you start thinking about it....
^^ not meant sarcastically

yeah i know exactly what you mean! :P
Segosa is newb.
12-12-2007 03:02 AM
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RE: [Suggestion] Command Helper can be more helpful, picture inside
I think this is what was meant first off (and would make this better) is the use of toggling each section on and off.  Personally I never use quicktexts or sounds so i could turn them off and not worry about them when im trying to look through them all, but i can easily turn them back on if i decide i want to send /sevillaugh (or whatever it is, I use it once per month if i feel up to it :P).

This way you can refine the intellisense, but still have full functionality quite easily.

I understand the statement about /away and such, but I don't think that is TOO much of a problem, people should notice if the Plus! commands aren't there I would think.... (but then again maybe some people might miss it I do understand).
[Image: markee.png]
12-12-2007 08:33 AM
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