Hi again guys, i apologize to make you waiting, here is my plsk, thanks in advance i cant get a solution for this issue, i hope you can jeje. Bye
PD. i couldnt load the plsk (its too big) so Its hosted here:
Thanks to all
Edit: Please somene help me im really confused at this point, ive tried to set metadata info, ive changed the image and i cant make it work, guys youre my last chance jeje.
Edit:... well, no response.... this is too far for my skills so i have an idea, im gonna remove this option for beta version, but i dont know how, do i have to create independant custom panel for each version??, do i have to add the option on a resgroup for 8,5 only??, how can I make this option available only for version 8.5 or just hide it in the 9.0 options??, and a last one, is it possible to install both versions in the same computer and make em work?, please I need help guys, thanks in advance
well, no response, no plsk