I've seen it done in Countdown Live, but I can't seem to be able to do it. There's no error message or anything - nothing happens.
Javascript code:
var ScriptIcon = Interop.Call("user32", "LoadImageW", Interop.Call('kernel32', 'GetCurrentProcess'), MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\Icon.ico", 1, 0, 0, 0x10 | 0x20);
var TmpWnd = MsgPlus.CreateWnd("Test.xml", "WndTest", 0);
Interop.Call("user32", "SendMessageW", TmpWnd, 0x80, 0, ScriptIcon);
Interop.Call("user32", "SendMessageW", TmpWnd, 0x80, 1, ScriptIcon);
Am I missing something here, or have I done something wrong?