1) Please read
'MSN advertisement banner' removal.
The 'remove ad' feature has been removed since 6 years. Messenger Plus! still exists partially because Microsoft allows it to exist. And it exists because Messenger exists. It makes little sense then to kill the revenue which makes it possible for Messenger to be free of charge and frankly to exist. Without Messenger there is no Messenger Plus!.
2) Chrissy is wrong... '
Plus! > Preferences & Options > Messenger > Event Logging' has got nothing todo with your question.
If you want to write a message or open a conversation window when someone logs in, you need to make a script for that. But note that such stuff is actually very annoying for your contacts though, so I wouldn't exactly recommend it.
3) Chrissy has some things confused again.
CTRL+UP is a feature of Messenger Plus! which will show a quick list of recently typed chat lines. This is handy for when you want to repeat something what you (or your contact) have typed before in the current session. But this has got nothing todo with what you asked; it is not a chat log. And the command '
/Viewlogs' doesn't exist.
Showing (the last part of) the chat history inside a new conversation window is actually a feature of Messenger itself. For this to work you also need to enable chat logging in Messenger itself: '
Tools > Options > Messages > Automatically keep a history of my conversations'. Currently, Messenger Plus! can not do this because of technical reasons.
However, you could, of course, always manually open the conversation logs (from Messenger or from Messenger Plus!, depending on what logging you have enabled).
To manually view the conversation logs from Messenger, you can press the '
History' button in the top menu of a conversation window. To manually view the conversation logs from Messenger Plus!, you can go to the menu '
Plus! > Open Chat Log...' or enter the '
/viewlog' command in a conversation window.