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[split] file transfers
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kabso 5
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O.P. RE: RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
Originally posted by Chancer
Originally posted by Mike
So why didn't they just block messages containing the bad link (you know, like the stupid filter that blocks messages containing "download.php")? Are there many links that link to the virus?
I think URL shorteners can technically have any address, so it's harder to block specifc content.

Exactly.. so how are they going to solve it lol?

Firefox and IE should be able to fix this issue...


OMG I thought our messages are P2P, so there aren't any privacy in the WLM..?

Is it only that we transfer files such as " .rar, .zip " it opens p2p port?

I'm worried about the privacy..

11-14-2010 08:30 PM
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RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
[off topic]

No, file transfers aren't always P2P either. Depending on the quality of your connection (and that from your contact) and on other factors they go thru their servers too.

As for privacy in regards to instant messages, you shouldn't worry about it. It is not because messages go thru their servers that Microsoft has a team of 'monkeys' reading whatever you say 24/7. They have no interest in knowing what you did yesterday in the afternoon or that you're cheating on your girlfriend or whatever. Messages are not stored at all either (it wouldn't phsyically be possible anyways to store all the gazzilion messages send every day, not even for a short time).

If you're that worried, you shouldn't be using the internet as a whole as there are far more easier ways to 'spy' on you. For starters by infecting you with trojans like the one discussed in this thread. Or worry about your personal coordinates and other data you 'throw around' on the internet. eg: Identity theft is a far bigger issue to consider than worrying about MS reading your IM messages.

[/off topic]

This post was edited on 11-15-2010 at 04:40 PM by CookieRevised.
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11-15-2010 10:10 AM
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kabso 5
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O.P. RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
What I'm worried about is the file transfer privacy, I thought that sending it via messenger is much safer than uploading it..

hmm I see, yeah but I trust my anti-virus thats why I'm not worried that much. :D
11-15-2010 01:38 PM
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RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
Originally posted by kabso 5
What I'm worried about is the file transfer privacy, I thought that sending it via messenger is much safer than uploading it..
Only in certain cases the file transfers go P2P. That is the 'power' of the Messenger protocol: if P2P does not work (eg: your contact does not support PéP) it seeks out the next best path to deliver the goods via its own servers. But MS does not have the time, capacity or even a reason to 'spy' and store your messages, let alone all the files, photos and videos being transfered. Why are you so worried about all of this? Nobody at MS is interested in your private photos or whatever.

Originally posted by kabso 5
hmm I see, yeah but I trust my anti-virus thats why I'm not worried that much. :D
As long as you remember that anti-virus software can get it wrong too or overreact, then I suppose that's fine.

This post was edited on 11-16-2010 at 01:28 PM by CookieRevised.
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11-15-2010 04:39 PM
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kabso 5
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O.P. RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
Yeah, will because there are some of my photos and my sisters cousins and etc so its kinda private photos,vidz , accounts passwords

Yeah, I have KIS 8 and its great, sometimes a trojan can destroy the protection btw, but I'm a careful person.

But when we send files it shows the KB left and transfer and if it goes to a server we should notice the lag, I dont understand how do the files go to a server by " uploading " then the other person is "downloading", It looks more like an e-mail and It'll be much slower if its like that, because when we are sending a file into the messenger convo it must upload all the file at once and after finishing the upload the download will start, if it was by uploading and downloading method.

Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't make any sense in my head..

Thanks for the informations CookieRevised.
11-15-2010 05:19 PM
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RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
Originally posted by kabso 5
But when we send files it shows the KB left and transfer and if it goes to a server we should notice the lag, I dont understand how do the files go to a server by " uploading " then the other person is "downloading", It looks more like an e-mail and It'll be much slower if its like that, because when we are sending a file into the messenger convo it must upload all the file at once and after finishing the upload the download will start, if it was by uploading and downloading method.
That 'method' doesn't have anything todo with how the files are transfered (directly or via MS' servers). In either case you could make it that you first need to upload completely before downloading anything or not, and vice versa. That's just how the sending/receiving protocol works, it doesn't say a thing about via what way it is transfered. Those two things don't have anything todo with eachother and thus are not an indication of how files (or other things) are transfered.

To put it in another way: what you just described is how packets (the small parts of the complete file) are handled, nothing more. It does not describe the physical pathway the packets will take. eg: First you always need to send a portion of the file before the contact can download that portion, of course. But it does not say a thing about what path that portion has taken to get to the contact. It might have been directly: P2P, or it might have gone thru 10 different servers, it doesn't matter. In either case you first need to upload something before the other party can download it. And in the case of Messenger, the contact can start downloading as soon as you start uploading.

Files are also not temporary stored in the case of Messenger. This means that it is your contact who initiates the uploading and thus concequently the downloading. If the contact stops downloading, you will stop uploading (and vice versa). But this has again nothing todo with what physical path the files will take.

The same for speed; speed does not have anything todo with how files are transfered. You can have a very slow P2P connection, but a fast indirect pathway (it wouldn't happen a lot in practice, but it is possible).

Proof of all this can be seen by the fact that nomatter how the files are transfered, the UI handling is always the same: you send a request to initiate a file transfer, your contact excepts and starts the actual transfering. It is always the same scheme eventhough sometimes the files will be transfered P2P and sometimes via MS' servers.

This post was edited on 11-16-2010 at 01:28 PM by CookieRevised.
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11-15-2010 06:37 PM
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kabso 5
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O.P. RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
Ohh, I see, now I understand.

In that case there isn't any privacy in file transfer I guess...

we should make our own encryption to ensure the privacy, becuase RAR passwords can be cracked with Intel I7 laptops in few hours...
11-15-2010 06:53 PM
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RE: Is this issue caused by plus?
Though you don't need to worry about MS' reading your messages or intercepting your cousins photos or whatever. They have absolutely no interest in that. Quite frankly you (and all the other billions of people using Messenger) are absolute of no interest to MS.

But yes, you could encrypt messages and such using 3rd party tools if you prefer (they do exist - but always require both you and your contact to install them). Although, quite frankly I think they are a complete waste of time and resources, especially for the common user who is not into leaking official state property or secret docs from the FBI and such stuff.

As for cracking RAR passwords in a few hours: that's a myth though. Yes, computers are way faster and far more powerful than years ago, but they are still not that fast. It still takes years to brute force them as long as you use strong passwords (eg: mixing lower and capital letters and numbers, and like at least 8 characters long or something).

This post was edited on 11-16-2010 at 01:29 PM by CookieRevised.
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11-15-2010 07:01 PM
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kabso 5
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O.P. RE: Is this issue caused by plus?

well using unicode chars such as Japanese chars

is the best options to ensure encryption

I'm sure that they don't have any interest on me or on anyone but I wont risk the chance that they might see our private picture even if the chance is 1.0%
11-15-2010 09:21 PM
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