Originally posted by Sonny
Do I need to give the copied 2009 folder a different name?
yes, otherwise it isn't a copied folder
Copy the original folder (
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Live\Messenger) to
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Live\WLM2009 for example (or any name you like for that matter, as long as it isn't named like the original name).
After installing WLM 2011 again, you start WLM 2011 from within
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Live\Messenger and WLM 2009 from within
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Live\WLM2009.
If you also want to have a shortcut in your start menu to WLM 2009, you will need to make your own shortcut to
msnmsgr.exe inside the WLM2009 directory of course.
Originally posted by Sonny
Oh, and can I choose to have 2009 open by default when my computer boots? Or will 2011 load since it is the newer version?
Yes you can.
All you need to do is add or alter the proper registry value in the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key.
1) Open your registry editor (Win > Run... >
2) Navigate to
3) Make a new string key (REG_SZ) and name it
STARTWLM for example.
Do not name it like the original (MSNMSGR). If you do that, Messenger will attempt to 'fix' the key and overwrite it again the next time you start Messenger.
4) As value add the proper path to the version you want to run. eg:
"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Live\WLM2009\msnmsgr.exe" /background
mind the quotes!
5) Make sure that the option in Messenger to run Messenger on Windows startup is turned off!
If you don't turn this off, Messenger will add another key in the RUN key. And depending on the so called 'polygamy settings' in Messenger Plus! for example you would end up running two Messengers.