Originally posted by Matty.
Montana you have the risk of doing that with anything. Even a stupid monitor. Thats why there is an On/Off Shitch on tvs and a Screen Saver on a computer to prevent a constant image to be burnt into the screen. But I will talk to the dude(or chick) at Future Shop
Duh, I mean that there is a very high risk with projection TV's according to the console owner's manuals...
I quote this from page 5 of the XBOX owner's manual:
Do not use with certain televisions. Some televisions, especially front- or rear-projection types can be damaged if any images presented during the normal course of gameplay may "burn" into the screen, causing a permanent shadow of the static image to appear at all atimes, even when video games are not being played. Similar damage may occur from static images creadted when placing a video game on hold or pause..."
Read more on Page 5 of the owner's manual if you want...and sorry for any typos I missed bcz I was typing while readin the manual