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Logging of group convos
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O.P. Logging of group convos
Would it be possible for MsgPlus to create a new log based on individual particiapants in a group conversation... e/.g. if i was talking to A@hotmail.com and B@hotmail.com... and a hgroup convo witrh me and them was created... cud it not be saved in a seperate file than in both logs for the individual contacts? wud seem more logical to me... altho i cud understand if y';all dont agree
10-12-2004 06:15 PM
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RE: Logging of group convos
Thidea is good. I'm sure many people (including me) have thought about this once .
The problem is that if you usually have several multi-part conversations you would have many more log files. And then, howto search for a log file? you look for a certain thing b@blah.com said and you can't remember when they said it, and with what other people in the conversation it was said, so you won't easily find it if multi-logs where grouped.

I think that although it's not the best way to store multiple-part conversations, it makes sense the way it works now. :)
10-12-2004 06:47 PM
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RE: Logging of group convos
Keystorm makes a good point, what would the name of the file be?

And what if you wanted to sind what one person said. Keystorm is using his brain lol.

But maby if convos were stored in a database

[Image: Email.JPG]
10-13-2004 04:23 AM
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RE: Logging of group convos
and if you have 100 over contacts, there are many combinations of group chats, resulting in a lot of log files and you can't easily search through it. and searching for a line or 2 of a chat is not worth the time. not that im flaming the idea but it's not practical
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10-13-2004 04:34 AM
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RE: Logging of group convos
Perhaps group conversations could be saved in a single, seperate file such as "GroupConvos.txt", following the standard preferences set by the user (such as a new file at the start of each month). That way you would have easy access to group conversations, you'd know exactly where to look and searching would be easy. It would probably be a fair amount easier than the current method which saves the entire convo to only one of the participants? (correct me if I'm wrong).

10-13-2004 04:56 AM
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RE: Logging of group convos
But then it would have group convos of many people and and it would get very confusing.

I say leave it the way it is

[Image: Email.JPG]
10-13-2004 05:04 AM
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RE: Logging of group convos
It wouldn't be that confusing. Each conversation would be seperated by the standard Messenger header which states the time the conversation began and all participants, logically seperating each group conversation so there wouldn't be any confusion. Within the file all group conversations would be listed in chronological order.

I've had no real problems with the current setup I guess, but then again I haven't tried to go looking for any specific conversations from one. One thing I have just noticed though, once when I participated in a group conversation in which a lot of the people in the discussion were not actually on my contact list, my log files now have completely new folders and files added for each of the email addresses and the entire conversation (or parts of it in some cases) were actually saved under each of the folders. Now my log files have all these email addresses I don't even know. Works, but it's a little bit messy I guess.

10-13-2004 05:38 AM
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RE: Logging of group convos
hmm. but i like to find my convos separated by contact, not time. maybe patchou can make an option for this so that everyone will be happy :)
"I want to fix that in my memory forever. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret."

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10-13-2004 06:54 AM
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O.P. RE: Logging of group convos
Yeah true, I didn't suggest anything that would redesign how it would all work, just thought maybe a n option could be added so that people who think along my lines could have it that way...
10-13-2004 09:14 AM
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RE: Logging of group convos
someone above had a good idea dont have seperate log files parse rather a database for all the logs to be stored in that way you can search for a specific convo by nickname, email addy, time, date whatever you want or even by the text of the convo your searching for.
10-13-2004 09:28 AM
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