My father has made a website, and most of it looks really nice. I told him to use stylesheets, and he listened
But one problem arises when he wants to do some pictures: The pictures have some text accompanying them (my dictionary says the english word is caption..), and he wants the 2 pictures to be next to each other and have the text underneath them. He used this (yes, I know this code is really bad.. the rest is of the site is better, and has only minimal errors, which will be fixed)
<p>Firstname Surname
<div align="right">Firstname Surname</div>
<img src="images\firstname.jpg" alt="Hier zou een foto van Firstname Lastname
te zien moeten zijn" height="442" width="324" align="left"
title="Firstname Lastname">
<img src="images\else.jpg" alt="Hier zou men een foto van Firstname Lastname kunnen zien" height="316" width="473" title="Firstname Lastname">
<img src="images\img2.jpg" alt="Hier zou men een foto van [..]
kunnen zien" height="316" width="473" title="name name">
<div align="right">Firstname Lastname</div>
This works fine with IE6 @ 1024x768, but with any other browser, it doesn't look good. This is because my father just used some trial and error. Another problem is that he'd like to keep the lay-out in a stylesheet, and this code doesn't. My father wants it to display like this:
[image1] [image2]
img1txt img2txt
How can he do this? He'd prefer to do it without tables, and I'd like to keep the lay-out separate (with CSS?). Any help would be appreciated
edit: Made the text better
edit: Made the code better readable
Post Scriptum: Yes, the alt-text is bad. I've told him allready.