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Poll: What should I do/continue on now? Read more about this and the new version in the bottom of the top post!
Polygamy support, with user-based controlling
Tabbed conversation Support
EE (Extended Edition)
Better GUI/Graphics
Better/more Remote control
Tag support
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Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
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O.P. Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
Newest Version is Beta V. 0.5.01, look in the end of this post!
Sorry for the new thread, but needed the Poll Option... so.. but here is the copy of the old Post in the other  Thread

------------ Old Post ----------------------

- NEW VERSION!!! V. 0.2.75 -

- What's New? -

- Complete Installer, so no hazzle with registring or anything, just run and you are ready to go!

- Telnet/Remote Support added security, needs to be enabled, and Username/Password is now avaible

- Start audio/video with contact(Send request, not accept)

- Automatically detect if port is used, then add 1+ to the port number (Fixes the issue when using Polygamy MSN, but does still not support Polygamy MSN's)

- Fixed up a few bugs!

- Commands Avaiable -

Status Change
Set Nickname
Signout, Signin Automatic, Signin Manuel
Main Window, Show, Hide, Close
Shutdown MSN, Gracefull, Force Close Convo's, Task Kill, Reload Plugins
Start Conversation with a contact
Send text to a contact
Block/Unblock/Change Block on a contact... (couldn't get groups working:()
Start Audio/Video with contact
Open Webpage with default browser

- To-do List -

- Fix more bugs, if any?
- Close Tabbed Convo support
- Polygamy support

- Copy of the Readme File included -
- What is this? -

This is in general a plugin that enables you to create shortcuts(ordinary shortcuts that windows use, *.lnk files) to control you MSN Messenger, like status change, and nick change, etc.
You use the shortcut creater in this plugin, choose the specified action, and then choose folder and filename and then create the shortcut.
When this shortcut is run, it will send the command to the plugin and the plugin will then run/do the command.
This is done using so called "Command Arguements", which is the extra text set after the folder/filename in the Properties Dialog of the shortcut.
The way this plugin is programmed it enables you to run the command from any other program that is able to run an Executable File incl. Command Arguements, ex. Samurize, MSG Plus! Schedular, Logitech iTouch... You name it.. :D..
This plugin also enables you to Telnet to the plugin, this in general means you can control you MSN Messenger away from home.
The possibilites are endless!

- How to use? -

When you have installed the plugin, start MSN Messenger, then either
1 - go to the menu Plus -> Preference -> Plugins and select "Shortcut Plugin By CyBeRDuDe" and press the button Configure
2 - Open a conversation window and enter "/xscshortcut" (without quotes) and press enter.

Now you are at the main window, here you choose the action you want the shortcut to do, then press the Add Command to list" button, then you can add another command (multiple commands) to the list, and so on(If needed).
When done, choose wether you want to save to a custom Directory(browse for folder, or enter one), or Desktop or in the Start Menu Folder. If you choose custom, then click the button browse, and select the folder, if you choose desktop or start menu, then in the text field you can specify a sub directory, the directy will automatically be created if it does not exist.
Now enter a filename of the shortcut.
If you want the shortcut to another Icon than the origrinal Icon, then please choose the Icon location(can be from a Exe file, Dll File or Ico File...)
Then type in a description if you want to.
Click the Create Shortcut, and Voila! There you go! :D...

- Using telnet/Remote Support? -

If you only want to try this localy on your computer you don't need to do any settings, and the Username and Password will not be needed, but if you want to control your Messenger away from home, you will have to go the Shortcut Plugin Options Dialog and Enable "Remote Support", and then enter a Username and Password (These are not needed, but advised!!!!)
If you want to use telnet to connect to the plugin, go to start - run and type in "telnet".
when the program has started type in "o 1600", where "" is the IP on your computer, in this case you Local IP. The "1600" is the Port where it connects to, this can be changes in the options dialog in the plugin(1600 is default).
When connected press Ctrl + Enter, that means hold down Ctrl, and then press the Enter key, then you will activate Telnet/Remote Support. (In programming language this is the Chr(10) code, aka.

Ascii character 10.)
Then you are ready to send command to the plugin. Ex: "status=awy" (without quotes) would set your Messenger status to Away, please check in Shortcut Dialog to get to know the commands avaiable

Note: To use this feature away from home, you properly need to configure your firewall or router, if you have any, to direct the connection, I will NOT give any help on this subject.
Please use a Username and Password to prevent other users to mess with your Messenger!

- Technical FAQ: -

This plugin uses the Microsoft Winsock Control, and the VB Runtime files, and Microsoft Common Dialog controls, these files are most likely on most computers running Win XP and some Windows below, so there should be no problems(Hopefully!)
This plugin is using the Messenger API, but is created in such a way that it doesn't need to have Windows Messenger installed, and doesn't run it in the background (YAY!!! :D)

Been tested with:
Win XP Pro
MSN Messenger Beta 7.0.425
Messenger Plus! Beta 3.40.110

It should be compatiable with most machines running Win XP, and maybe also under, but I do not give any guarantee!!!
Please Post in The Forum Thread if you experience any problems!

Known bugs:

This release is the second release of this plugin, only a few people have been testing it yet, so there is properly gonna be some bugs and errors, but please report this in the Forum Thread for the plugin (http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=37846), and I will try to take a look at it. But please remember this is only a BETA, which means that you can't count on anything.
-"shutdown=forceclose" command which closes the open conversation windows before exiting MSN Messenger is not compatible with SPNG's Tabbed Conversation, and properly not with any other Tabbed convo Software, this will be fixed in a later version.
- Because the plugin runs through MSG Plus! then it will automatically have so called "Visual Theme XP Support", which makes my VB forms look like the XP theme you are using. This can cause some problems if you are using a non standard Theme. The forms buttons can seem a litle wierd(you can't see the full text of the button) and other various Glithes may occure, this is not anything that harms the Plugin or the use of the plugin, this is only some visaul glithes. Don't take these so seriously, this may be fixed later, but don't expect it!
- Doesn't Support Polygamy MSN (Multiple Clients) yet!... But bugs occuring when opening a new client should be fixed, but not fully tested yet.
- I'm not sure about compatability with OS's, MSN Messenger Clients, Windows Messenger, Messenger Plus! Versions, but please report if you have any problems, and give me the info I need!


New update V. 0.2.79 avaiable

- Reset Added commands on cancel
- Reset/Clear All Button added
- Full Command Arguement Text Field now fixed

Nothing really new, just a quick fix up


New Update V. 0.3.00 Out!

- Added audio and video to the Shortcut Creater
- Popup Notify using MSGPlus! DislapyToast
- Added web command
- Making it possible for the plugin to read in a file, for the commands to execute
- Added 1 easteregg
- Added some more time in the installer, to make sure that MSN is all closed before copying the files to the Plugin Folder.. should prevent problems about not being updated correctly, but the time

now may not be enough for it to work 100% of times
- A few bug fixes

Please tell me about the Popup Toasts, which functions should it not display, I personally think that Convo could be left out from this one, but until now I have added Popup to all functions...
I personllay don't like this to much, since it's very slow, it shows the popup a few seconds after the command has been executed, this is not my fault.. I can't do anything about this(At least,

this happens on my computer, but maybe not on others)!...

New Update Version 0.4.00 is out! :D

- Commands where you specify contact or groups now gets your contact/group list and enables you to choose from that list
- Close all open convo's
- Close specific convo(With active)
- Sendtext now supports active window
- Sendfile (2 different methods, method 1 is recommended, it's the most reliable, and supports send to active convo)
- Delay function in seconds, supports up to somewhat 32.000 seconds, almost 9 hours of delay.. if that isn't enough just put more delays.. supports multiple delay commands running, meaning don't worry about starting a shortcut with a delay in if a delayed command is already running.

This is going to be one of the last release of this plugin, I will now start on second part of this plugin called "Shortcut Plugin EE" (EE = Extended Edition)... The new EE version will have the name looks, gui, and everything will be the same, except this new version will have lots of new cool functions/commands, but in order to archive these extra features the plugin requires Windows Messenger to be installed...
So from now on you will get 2 options to choose from, this standard version which is guaranteed to work without having WM installed, and the new EE version which needs to have WM installed thus having much more features...
This standard version will still be mainted and will be updated with bugfixes, and also needs to support Polygamy MSN, and Tabbed Convo, but this is not going to happen right now... So for now, check out the new 0.4.00 version, and keep an out for the EE version expected first release some time next week...

Quick fix version 0.4.01

- Options to NOT clear file, when reading from file
- Moved the contact listing a bit up again.. :D:P

Version 0.4.11
- Fixed a few bugs
- Added Sendfile to the creator, had forgotten to do that before :$

-------------- End of Old Post -------------------------------------------------

Huge Update!!!!:
Version 0.5.00
Lots of new stuff have been added, and lots of improvements!

The change/update list as follows:
- Fixed a few major/minor bugs
- Fixed Bug when using Delay numbers that adds up to 30(numbers like: 30, 60, 90, and so on)
- Personilized Status, when changing Status
- Fixed Sendtext to Active Conversation (should work properly now!)
- Video/Audio/Block/Unblock to Active Conversation
- Sendtext to all
- Run, Runs any files, docs, whatever!
- Script files (Will be explained further down)
- Setting the Shortcut Plugin Options, using shortcuts, command lines, remote... whatever
- Improved the Popup notification system. Now you can choose what catagories of popup toasts you want.
- Savenick command that stores your current Nickname for later use with Set Nickname
- [getnick] tag can be used in Set Nickname command, to replace [getnick] with the stored nick
- Added "/xsccom" command in MSG Plus!, with this you can execute command using Shortcut Plugin code, like the shortcuts createds

- Script Files: -

These files are/works the same way as the way the "Read From File" works... Script files can be of any extension... They just need to have lines in that look the same as the Command Line Arguments produced by the creator... Each line will be handled simultaneously, meaming that a delay function will only count for the line it's in...
An example of what a script file could be like is:
/com=nick=hehe /com=delay=15 /com=nick=cool /com=delay=20 /com=nick=stfu
/com=block=act /com=delay=5 /com=unblock=act /com=delay=10 /com=sendtext=2=act=HAH!

This would result in, first nick change to hehe, then it will set the deayl for the rest of the line, then it will block the active convo, then delay the rest of that line, and then set you status to away. After 5 secs it will then inblock the active convo, and then after 10 secs, it will send HAH! to the active convo and change the nick to cool, and then after another 20 secs it will changethe nick to stfu...
If you understand?
/com= needs to be specified when more commands on 1 line, if only 1 command on 1 line, /com can be excluded if you want to...

Now to something else....
This is going to be one the last releases of this plugin, from now only bug fixes will be released, and maybe 1/2 versions more depending on what the poll tells me... I need your vote!!!!.... To tell me what I should continue on?...

Here is a litle description of the different poll options, you can vote on multiple

- Polygamy support, with user-based controlling
If I should support Polygamy MSN (Mulitple MSN Clients) with user-based settings, so settings will be saved according to each user logged in, and also controlling each open msn, with some kind of command line, telling what user/# the plugin is in control of, needs to do the actions specified one.
Many things can be done using this, but some things like CloseAll and other varioius commands will have to CloseAll Open conversation for All open MSN's. This could be improved if I create the EE version.

- Tabbed conversation Support
Support of all Tabbed Conversation's Plugins/Applications, meaning that things like CloseAll and shutdown=gracefull would work with Tabbed Conversation, and fixing other various issues when using Tabbed Convo.
Then I would please ask you to leave a comment and note on whcih Tabbed Convo software, and where to find them.

- EE (Extended Edition)
The Extended Edition as I was talking about before that until now/and still have been set on hold. I found out that many of the things that I would like the EE version to do is possible in the already existing version, the only advantages if I program EE is that things like Block/Video using the Active conversation would get improved(meaning lesser chance of bugs/mistakes), and the

ability to use Active conversation on Changeblock.
Then also maybe adding the feature to see what other people say t you when you are connected using Remote Support via Telnet or whatever. Not many features besides these will be in this versions, and this version would also require Windows Messenger to be installed.

- Better GUI/Graphics
Making some more out of the GUI for the looks, and better understanding for "noobs". Redesigning the whole thing, and also get some nice looking graphic on. If I have to do this, I would need some peoples help to get/make some graphics for me, and to give me some godd ideas of how it should look. Please contact me if you have some good ideas and graphics that would fit, also icon's.

- Better/more Remote control
Increasing the use of the Remote Control feature in this plugin, things like: sending Contact List, Sending Online List, Sending Open Conversation list, stuff like that, to make it better at Remote

Controlling your MSN using this plugin, this would properly need to be in EE, since many of these things needs some of the base code I'd need to do to do the EE version.

- Tag support
At the moment, this plugin does not support Plus! tags when setting nickname, Personalized Status, etc. So I would have to do my own tags, I could do this, and try to get as much as the tags that Plus! already has, and maybe some more?

- Other Projects in line
If I should call this plugin finished, and only go on bug fixing, maintenance on the plugin. Then continue on my other MSN related projects, such as: NickName tool, Message Forwarder, Auto Respond/Bot Creator, Complete Remote Controlling of MSN.

I really need your help if you find any bugs, mispellings, ideas, comments, GUI ideas, extra notes according to the poll.

I hope this plugin is getting some where, and you people out there like it?... I for sure have spend a lot of time on it now, and I just want to know if I should start thinking about stopping here, or if you do want me to continue expanding/improving it?

Version 0.5.01
Stinky rotten last minutes bugs!!! :@... ARGH!!! :P
A quick fix update few minutes after the release... :S..

Please Post any Comments, Bugs, Ideas, Etc. here!! :D


.exe File Attachment: Shortcut_Plugin_Beta_V._0.5.01_Installer.exe (141.25 KB)
This file has been downloaded 1562 time(s).

This post was edited on 02-28-2005 at 08:25 PM by (CyBeRDuDe).
02-28-2005 07:57 PM
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RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
Great realease as always CD. :D It seems to work fine so far, including the sendtext to active convo. <:o) I still havent made any scripts yet tho, been busy. :P But I will soon. :)
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03-01-2005 01:34 PM
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RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
Jeez, the people that are voting should start replying aswell ^o)

Anyway, CD, I've got an idea. :) When you use the /com=sign=in=use@email.com command it just pops up the sign in window where you have to fill in the password. But I was thinking, what if you made the command also be able to have the passwork, like: /com=sign=in=user@email.com=password, so then it would sign in like that, without having to fill the password in manually. Is that possible? If it is, please add it to your to-do list. :D
[Image: johnsig02.png]
03-03-2005 10:13 AM
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RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
:O. i got another Idea.

allow plugin support.

like have a dll. with a Sub Main (). let it run it's code. and make it return a value.

Sub Main()
Dim Nick as String.

Nick = "Something" // they could put like a song form winamp. etc etc.

return Nick
End Sub

then your retrive what returned.

and they can use it like

/com=/nick [Plugin1]

the [ signifies it's calling a plugin.

hope this would be possible (Y).
[Image: jeansiger5.jpg]
03-03-2005 11:09 AM
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RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
* Jaguar has no idea what Ash_ is on about


But you're suggesting a plugin for a plugin? Lol. (Please explain for the common folk among us. :P )
[Image: johnsig02.png]
03-03-2005 11:25 AM
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RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
mm ok.

Cyberdude's Plugin calls another plugin or executable to get a value to enter into its command.

like if i write a plugin. that puts the word "Ash_" into a variable.

Cys.. Plugin should be able to get that variable from my plugin.

this would add more Flexibility.

eg i could write a function to get the song form winamp. put say.

"Ash_ : [Artist] : [Song] this song pwns" into a variable.

then get cyberdudes. plugin to call my plugin. get whats in that variable and use it in his commands?

you understand?
[Image: jeansiger5.jpg]
03-03-2005 11:28 AM
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O.P. RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
I am perfectly clear on what you want... :D... hmm.. yeah I know this could give great flexabilites... BUT, i'm not sure how much work I have to put in for this, as of know I'm not really sure if I am going ot put more work into this plugin, people doesn't really seem to appricate it or give any response.... Second, you could sort of already this, if you like create an exe file that retrevies the song from winamp, and then make that program/exe file execute Shortcut.exe with the command "/com=nick=Nick: Artist - Title".. if you know what I mean?... you can combine this with the Run Command... if you know what I mean?.. so partially this is kinda already possible, but in reverse, you need the other prgoram to call the Shortcut.exe whereas what you want is make the plugin call the other program...
Wouldn't you think what is already possible enough?...
:D.. Thx for you post... :D:P
I might try it, if I can find time and if I find any good information how to do it, as I have never tried to make something support plugin before.. :S...

Jag: About the password thing, I'm not really sure if this is possible, I could give it a try, check if it is possible to use some sendmessage to the pasword box, but I'm not really sure, I think they (MSN) have made sure that this would not be possible... Maybe using the crappy sendkeys method, but I hate that method... :S...
03-03-2005 02:32 PM
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Oooh what does this button do??!!

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RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
I just found a bug!
I have Shortcut Plugins 0.5.01 for sure and msn messenger 7.0.0632.
I made a link that would only reload plugins:

But when I tried it pop upped two errors-windows that had only message: 0 and a OK-button.
But when I tried to second time to open the link what I made didn't come any error-windows but there didn't come any pop up toast informing me that I have reloadid plugins, and I douple checked that I have a cross on that setting and the link that I made had only the reload-plugins command after the address of shortcutplugins.
Tears of saddness but laughter of maddness but be ready cause he may come near you.
Harry the harassment Panda
03-04-2005 02:04 PM
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O.P. RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
Originally posted by DJHasis
I just found a bug!
I have Shortcut Plugins 0.5.01 for sure and msn messenger 7.0.0632.
Sorry to tell you, but I do not support leaked betas or anything.. I am only using the public beta, and I am not going to support higher until another public or final release is out.. sorry...

Originally posted by DJHasis

I made a link that would only reload plugins:

But when I tried it pop upped two errors-windows that had only message: 0 and a OK-button.
But when I tried to second time to open the link what I made didn't come any error-windows but there didn't come any pop up toast informing me that I have reloadid plugins, and I douple checked that I have a cross on that setting and the link that I made had only the reload-plugins command after the address of shortcutplugins.
I have not made very much error handling, as there is not much that can go wrong, unless of course you use an unsupported version of MSN...
Why it doesn't popup the second time you use it, it is because when you get the first error message, the plugin simply crashes and it is thereby not running anymore, meaning nothing would happen if you try to do anything else... I will try adding some more error handling that makes sure that the plugin does not crash, but as you are using an unofficial leaked beta version I will not do anything big about this, since I think I have already added enough error handling, which should prevent the  plugin from crashing, but apperently not, and you are using the reload command, this error then is properly due to MSG Plus! not being fully compatible with the leaked beta... since I use the reload plugin code as can be found many places on the net, so I am possitivly sure that there is not much I can do about this, until the public final version of MSN 7 and MSG Plus! 3.50 is released... Sorry to tell you... But anyways thx for the report... :D
03-05-2005 12:00 AM
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RE: Shortcut Plugin Beta New Version 0.5.01, Lots of new stuff! (28th of February)
Originally posted by CleanFilm
You should make it close down msgplus by terminating MsgPlus.exe process and then install the plugin and then load msgplus back up or restart your pc.

you dont need to close MSN Messenger just restart msgplus :P

please explain the 1337 way you shut down ur pc without closing msn :P
03-05-2005 09:01 AM
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