Hi there,
first of all I'd like to thank the programmers for making this luvly plugin.
Hoping they read this forum, I'd also like to report a few minor bugs;
Bug reports:
- I downloaded v2.2 of the plugin, but in my Messenger Plus! > plugins configuration tab it still says v2.0.
- When an artist has a '-' in it, like for example "T-Bone Walker", the %artist thing gets replaced by a single '-'. So then %artist - %title on "T-Bone Walker - Papa Ain't Salty" gets "- one Walker - Papa Ain't Salty".
The same thing happens when there's no ID3 tag available, but WinAmp still renders the song 'name'. Perhaps when the %artist string is not available, it can be ignored, so only the %title is rendered.
Feature requests:
- %album% string, I'd really like to use this as well! I noticed there are a few string replacers which are WinAmp2 only, so I thought perhaps this one could be implemented as well.
I'm using MSN Messenger 6.2.0205 with Messenger Plus! 3.25.106 and NowPlaying v2.2. All in combination with WinAmp 2.91.
Thanks in advance!