msgPlus! Feature Suggestion |
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O.P. msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
Recently, I have been getting alot of stick off my friends for trying to send Custom Sounds, while, unbeknown to me, they didn't have msgplus!  So i was thinking...
Wouldn't it be cool if on your contacts list and/or next to thier name on the chat, they could have the msgplus symbol?. This symbol would mean that they have msgplus! installed on thier computer. I know you can use the Ping! method to test but, this doesn't tell you which version they have, just that they have msgplus!
This would be of great help to all users, and save everyone the hassle of asking or pinging the person to see if they have plus!
Hope this could be used in a nearby release or addon. Thanks 
04-03-2005 09:38 PM |
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RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
That would mean connecting to each of those users computers, wasting valuable bandwith etc... There is no real point to it, you may aswell ping them, and if they complain just tell them you're testing something and explain to them... you can even make a quick text:
name this as: /test
code: /ping
#1#Just testing to see if you have messenger plus!
#1#if not then why not download it from here: .
just advance it from there onwards...
I'm pretty sure that there used to be a feature where you used to hover over their names and a little circular plus! logo appeared  .
04-03-2005 09:42 PM |
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RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
Technically, there is no way to just "know" if they have Messenger Plus! without some server interaction, probably where Patchou would have to store a users passport address in a database and have Plus! access that database.
However, he could maybe add more information to the Ping, like, a version number or something. But I dont think it'd be a very good idea, it's too much extra programming when you can just tell your contact to get MsgPlus.
04-03-2005 09:45 PM |
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O.P. RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
Ohhh, thanks for the quick response guys!
That quick text thing never occured to me, doh! It's a very good idea though hehe, definately going to use it now  .
I think the version number would be good, or some text saying what features they have enabled like Custom Sounds and stuff.
04-03-2005 09:52 PM |
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O.P. RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
Just another quick question though.
Is there anyway to create a shortcut to send custom sounds? Sortof like the built in sounds where you can type /swoow and it plays the Woow! sound.
04-03-2005 09:58 PM |
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RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
/Sound <name or ID #>
04-03-2005 10:00 PM |
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O.P. RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
Oh cool, thnx Ezra!
I think you can close this thread now hehe. I jsut found out from my friend that when you go to a contact, Right Click, Messenger! Plus options and click Contact Inormation it tells you if they have it or not.
Thanks anyway guys, lol.
04-03-2005 10:07 PM |
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RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
That only shows it when you pinged that person, if you never pinged them it doesn't show, and it doesn't automaticly update. The info could be outdated
04-03-2005 10:13 PM |
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RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
quote: Originally posted by traxor
I'm pretty sure that there used to be a feature where you used to hover over their names and a little circular plus! logo appeared .
Is that to tell if they had Plus! ? cuz if it is no that feature never existed in Plus!.....
04-04-2005 12:07 AM |
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RE: msgPlus! Feature Suggestion
quote: Originally posted by riahc4
quote: Originally posted by traxor
I'm pretty sure that there used to be a feature where you used to hover over their names and a little circular plus! logo appeared .
Is that to tell if they had Plus! ? cuz if it is no that feature never existed in Plus!.....
I'm pretty sure that something alike existed to do with the contact list and those who actually had messenger plus! installed, unsure though, my mind is a bit foggy, that was back in the 6.2 days...
04-04-2005 01:07 AM |
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