O.P. RE: HELP! - Can't View DDP
i have PlugNG installed and I have flash player isntalled. I guess ill treinstall the flash player to make sertain.
Also ALl my moods apear to have disapeared as well along with my muggins, but my 12 Winks still remain. so could I (ie: MCI) - ive got 3 MCO installers. All are difrent, one with auto isntaller that isntalls every winks Moods packs etc... Bluemountain has, one that installs sepirate MCO files manualy and ones that installs using txt files.
So please, save you you "I am Better than you" bullshit, your missing the concept of what im trying to say here.
You cant Get Muggins for free, even if you do, bluemountain Muggins are far better than photoshoped muggins or that crap websites that offer free muggins wich dont even animate.
I dont use muggins anymore, I rather use my own DP i made off photoshop. Photoshoping your Avatar is way more flexible, Imagination is the limit.
SO, my point is... I payed over 10$ for the muggins I made, and Not I cant even use them or see other peoples Moods and muggins... I still can use winks I purchased though.
I dont use Muggins, but half my contacts do, So if anyone can be nice enough to help me i would be greatefull. Please dont post stupid shit like " ohh well I can get 10000 winks for free and you cant, nahh ha!" ... go post that bullshit somewhere else where they care. THis isnt Piracy.com so dont post that crap here.
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