well, the xbox live link with msn messenger is ok but i think it could be a lot better so i have a challenge for anyone who dares take it on. i'm guessing this takes extreme amounts of coding skills and would probably have to be taken on by someone working for microsoft who has professional training but you never know until you ask. i mocked some screen shots of what i think it should look like. click the thumbnails to get full size pics.
this is the regular msn messenger buddy list. the xbox live friends have been integrated into it and shows little icons of what game they're in much like the mini display pic thumbnails.
These are new toasts for when Xbox Live friends sign in. They appear in the same spot but my plan for them would be to stay in place until either exited or the user mentioned in the toast signs out. This keeps the MSN user alerted if they miss it but doesn't bother them hours after their friend has signed off Xbox Live.
That's my idea! I think its really good and would be a giant leap over what they have in place but I seriously wonder if it is possible using Messenger Plus! I figured I'd post it anyway though just in case. There are some pretty amazing plugins on Plus! so keep up the good work coders!