Originally posted by John Anderton
I am not so sure if it is the same with messenger 7
no, because in msn messenger that feature didn't exist.
Originally posted by paraver
I'm using Microsoft Messenger 6.2.0208, MessengerPlus 3.54.132 and Messenger Discovery 3 (3004). Until today, I was able to connect messenger automatically with the «appear offline» status.
But today a get an troubleshooting error, and I allow Microsoft Messenger to find the error an fix it. By doing this, the login as «appear offline» stop working.
Yes, because signing in with "Appear Offline" could only be done if you patched msn messenger. By fixing msn messenger, the original unpatched verion has been set back.
Or it could be that you used a "loader" and by fixing msn messenger the loader isn't executed anymore, instead msn messenger is started up directly.
So, in other words, you need to repatch msn messenger or fix the link to your "loader".
Here you'll find a list of tools which are able to do all that:
(note, patching/loading msn messenger with "signing in offline" is version specific! This means a patch/loader for version 6.2.137 will not work for 6.2.205, etc...)