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Messenger Meeting, London '05
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
Originally posted by optimism_
More walking took us through a very Arabic region of London
I seem to recall learning something about TB around that area of London... What a shame it has just slipped my mind, currently.. Okay, TB, you can put the gun down now... See? I didn't say it! (A)

Originally posted by optimism_
Having had something to drink, we managed to convince TB that the lockers in out hostel room really were a nice safe haven perhaps, until we locked him in that is :D

At one point TB had learnt that with a cocktail stick he could prevent Cookie locking the door. No problem! Cookie simply picked up the locker and spun it 180° around in one fell swoop so that the door was against the wall!

Originally posted by optimism_
We found ourselves headed towards the commandingly titled “Eat.” Café
I should point out that in our second-day (or third-day for those that arrived on the 9th) travels we discovered three of these cafés. Subliminal messaging, anyone?

We also had a brief* discussion on whether or not "Eat." is a valid sentence. There are certainly arguments against it being valid, as every English class I've ever taken has told me that a sentence has to consist of an object - i.e. a "target" for the sentence. There is no such object in "Eat."

*"Brief" being described as someone - probably optimism_ - waking me from my heat-induced semi-slumber :p - asking me if it was valid, followed by Time 'begging' me to say that it's not...

Overall it was a very enjoyable couple of days. It was also unbelievably expensive and optimism_ and I didn't even have to travel from a foreign country like everyone else :S

I might post a few more pics when I sort my laptop out. I had to resize the locker one in Paint then upload it with IE's FTP client... :/

Edit: (lots of posts made while I typed this and tried to avoid falling asleep :p)
Originally posted by Segosa
You know, could you have taken a worse photo of me? Jesus...
I don't know if you did it intentionally, but you avoided being in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my photos. The best I had was the side of you in Trafalgar Square... 8-)

This post was edited on 08-11-2005 at 11:47 PM by MoRiA.
08-11-2005 11:41 PM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
"begging" is a bit strong, but since everyone turned to MoRiA as the group's pedant and I knew I was right about it not being a sentence his approval seemed necessary!@#
08-11-2005 11:57 PM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
I knew it was a little strong - hence the surrounding apostrophes - but I'm too tired to think of a better way of saying it :p

And to be perfectly honest Segosa is more of a pedant than I am. I've started to entirely ignore errors etc. recently :(
08-12-2005 12:29 AM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
MoRiA: that's probably a good thing =p Yeah, seg is hella pedantic though, I must agree on that - obsession with "there, their, they're" etc.
Omar: gambling, drinking and strip clubs? Count me in.
08-12-2005 12:49 AM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
Sadly, our plan 42342 has failed because Segosa did not throw the pie.
08-12-2005 03:00 AM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
Sounds like you had a great time :)

Next time please notify me a couple of months before so I prepare my bike :P
[Image: userbar452797dd.gif]
08-12-2005 06:54 AM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
[Image: InkyWhip.jpg]

this pic looks extremely dodgy to me :dodgy:
08-12-2005 07:27 AM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
My story:

On august 9th the travelling starts. Getting on the train towards Schiphol Airport at 9:35 am. Scheduled was a transfer at Amersfoort, but when the train arrived that specific train wasn't runnin due to some powertrouble. Was told to board another train wich led to a station where i had to transfer once more..delay 30 mins and 2 transfers instead of just 1. I planned the travelling with enough time left for occasions like this, so no harm done :D

Schiphol Airport: as it was my first time flying ever i was a lil bit nervous about wether or not i'd find my way after check-in point. It was pretty easy, just very time consuming..getting from check-in point to the correct gate took about an hour (thats including handluggage beeing scanned 2/3 times before boarding at diff points of the route). When i arrived at the gate (D22) there was an announcement on the screen that boarding will be at D12...ofcourse there was a massive qeue by the time i got back there *sigh*. Finally on the plane...hmm i can't stretch my legs..airplanes sure are smaller inside than i imagined. Taking off made me feel weird but it all got better when plane stopped going further up (i didn't really get sick). Landing made me somewhat def, like everything was very distant.

London: As soon as i could i notified Segosa that i had arrived and i got a message back to tell me where he and Jonathan (TReKiE) were waiting for me. No troubles recognising eachother at all :D On to the trains we went, we got a good deal too..3 travel for the price of 2. Whilst beeing on the train TB messaged us several times asking where we were at Victoria (i set the meetingpoint to be entrance of tubes at Victoria Station), well we hadn't arrived there yet so we didn't answer back :chrongue: I figured he'd go find Cookie who was already at the meetingpoint. In the end we found Cookie before TB and Inky found the meetingpoint...hehehe smile!

The hostel: as bits of the bill were already payed by TB it got somewhat more complicated as to what still needed to be payed. Whilst i was gathering the money from the group the check in person got somewhat impatient, so i said i was gathering the money. I had to say that several times as they didn't understand and kept sayin to pay..and asking if they had to book another room for us and cancel the existing one..gahhhhhh....learn english folks! I guess i should have known it be a hasle making myself understandable to them because before i had to e-mail them 3/4 times too to change the booking :(

Finally, everything is sorted and we continue to our room. Then out...go walking about and get food..we couldn't decide what to eat so we asked our decisionman (TReKiE) to decide what to eat. Pizza! Later on we went for a walk in Kensington Garden, then off to find a pub. Wich was harder then expected, when we finally found one i decided to buy the guys a drink. When it closed ofcourse we had to go back to the hostel...to find out it wasn't that far from the hostel afterall....we just missed it because we walked through the park..lol.

Day 2: I woke up very early (6 am) and didn't get much sleep at all because of the noise outside. Decided to get up at 7:30 and get a shower before breakfast....this woke up TB and he asked me not to wake him that early again lmao. When everybody got up we went for breakfast, meaning going downstairs to the kitchen and grab whatever you wanted to eat and drink. Then we waited for MoRiA/Astfgl and Optimism to arrive..in the meantime TReKiE had dissapeared of the face of the earth. TB searched for him but he was nowhere to be found. After TB messaged him we wanted to go out to get the by TB so desired English Breakfast we went off. As sudden as TReKiE dissapeared he appeared again too. We joked about saying we oughta call the police to search for TRekiE, "Tracking TReKiE" - new episode: "Lost in London".

Day 2 involved loads of walking, wich my feet didn't like much (dodgy feet probs atm)..but i stayed strong and went on automatic pilot...walk on!...i didn't want it to hold back the group anyways..the guys were very caring asking me how i was doing all the time :)
Optimism already posted rest of the story about day 2.

Pictures day 2:
One of the famous lions at Trafalgar Square
Fountain at Travalgar Square
A statue at Trafalgar Square, and proof there used to be pigeons.
The group at Trafalgar Square
Big Ben
A part of West Minster
The Eye
The Eye once more

Day 3: Final day...Gettin up a bit later than the day before, i slept better too :D At the place we had breakfast Cookie ordered a can of coke, wich turned out to have a real cute message on it (captured for eternity by TB). We had another day of fun together and i took one more photo opportunity whilst we were waiting for Time:
TB, Inky, Cookie, Segosa, TReKiE, Optimism, MoRiA/Astfgl at Waterloo.

Thinking about it beeing the last day of the meet made me sad...how i hate goodbyes...but as always, to everything comes an end. Me hugging Cookie goodbye made us miss the first metro out of Bayswater, but we again planned everything including possible delay time so who cares :chrongue: I enjoyed the meet very much and surely want more meets. Travel back went as planned, last person i had to say bye to was Segosa as we departed from same airport around same time. The starting and landing of the aeroplane didn't make me feel that weird anymore just like TReKiE told me (wow, i sure get used to it quickly) :D Back in The Netherlands it felt weird to travel on my own again, esp. as the trainstation was pretty much deserted. I had to wait 20 mins and felt really lonely...mhmmm txting time. Finally at 12:35 am i arrived in my hometown again. Left, Right, Stairs, Sleep...yay!

This post was edited on 08-18-2005 at 11:01 PM by Sunshine.
[Image: 25dr3o9]
08-12-2005 01:03 PM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05
Whooaaaa Sunshine's photos have me in! :o

My photos. They're all 800x600 or 600x800, 50KiB-150KiB, unless otherwise stated, with a few of them run through Paint Shop Pro's One Step Photo Fix first - so if the contrast seems too high, that's why. I can't be bothered to fiddle with them now.
The infamous Decision Cube before Cookie made it so.
optimism_ in Trafalgar Sq.
Inky & Sunshine in Trafalgar Sq.
Inky & TB at a dodgy angle in Trafalgar Sq.
Trafalgar Sq. Fountain.
optimism_ in Trafalgar Sq. again
Someone decided that Trafalgar Sq. needed an obscene police presence :S.
Err thingy in Trafalgar Sq.... :p.
Lion thing in Trafalgar Sq. Most of us have pics of that, though.
Someone's hand preventing me photographing them. TB's, I think.
Inky at Trafalgar Sq. Not all of my pics were taken here - I promise!
Segosa & Trekie in Trafalgar Sq. This is the only pic of mine that has more than one limb of Segosa in...
Big Ben.
Westminster Abbey? It's a building behind a pile of trees and Inky that I recall being related to Big Ben, though...
The BA London Eye
A closer shot of Big Ben (optical zoom - I didn't fly up closer to it or something...)
A close-up of the Thames!! :p Its purity reminded me of the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh-Morpork#The_River_Ankh]Ankh[/url]
optimism, Inky and Sunshine in the dodgy manga café.
Sunshine, Cookie, Segosa (:o maybe I do have more than one pic of him!) and Trekie at the aforementioned manga café. This is where the Decision Cube was found.
optimism_ in the hostel.
TB & Inky in the hostel.
Inky admiring the lovely view from our hostel room window (it looked out onto a road - but what should we expect in London, really? ;))
Cookie locking TB in the locker.
TB trying to hide in the locker.
TB is well and truely stuck now!
More proof of TB being unable to escape.
We had let him out by now, so he was back to playing with his phone..
Cookie sitting in his favourite seat.. :p
TB approaching the window and his doom...
Inky, optimism_, Time and Segosa's arm in the commandingly named café.
Sunshine, Cookie, TB and Trekie in the same café.

This post was edited on 08-12-2005 at 03:26 PM by MoRiA.
08-12-2005 02:23 PM
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RE: Messenger Meeting, London '05

Which one of those dodgy people is MoRiA? I've always wanted a picture of him :p.
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08-12-2005 10:07 PM
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