Originally posted by Funness
Could be a power to video card or GPU over heating issue.. both can cause errors/artifacts on the screen.
Originally posted by DevilFX
Lines used to appear on my screen when i made my resolution to big for what the graphics card could handle that i had, try lowering your resolution and see if it solves the problem Sorry if problem is already solved
tbh i very much doubt these two, the cooling in my system keeps my system very cool (i monitor the temps using a guru panle on the front!) and as for my grapics card not being able to handle the res, its a Nvidia GeForce 7800....
but, ive booted up my comp this morning after a good 12 hours rest and it seems its stopped doing the lines even on a cold boot, so that rules being a cold boot out. Well, im going to take my comp apart and give it a clean with a can of compressed air, thanks for all your help guys!! <3
EDIT: bah, i spoke too soon, its doing the lines worse than before, this time with the screen going black every 5 secs
and all the programs stop functioning and my comp runs reaaallllyy sloowww