Originally posted by uam
PLEASE, remove the limit of e-mail checking interval! 
I want to check for new e-mails every minute again! What was the reason for introducing the 3 minutes minimum?
I agree with this.
The reason was probably to reduce heavy bandwidth issues and other stuff on some (slow) computers with a (slow) connection, but those who have a fast computer (which doesn't stress out under the constant polling) and have a fast internet connection, might want to check their mail more frequently....
An advanced registry setting for this would be best I think. In that way people who know what they are doing can set it lower. And for the average Joe the minimum stays 3 minutes.
Personally I also find 3 minutes still too big and would rather have this set as 1 minute.
Originally posted by UTI
I'm not sure why he put this on there... but I'm sure you're not going to miss many/any emails by waiting 2 extra minutes 
People can have many
personal reasons why they would want to have a lower limit.