Ahoy there!
I only just found out that Messenger Plus! existed 3 days ago and I am looking to create my own script already because its uber good ^^.
The script is already in progress but I am not happy with the startup procedure. Currently I am using
OnEvent_Initialize() testing whether the return value is
True or
False. If
False, I initiate my variables and everybody is happy, but if
True, I start a timer, using OnEvent_Timer to wait for the timer to trigger, and then initiate my variables.
The problem is the variables involve
Messenger.MyName and
Messenger.MyPersonalMessage and if the timer doesn't fuction as correctly I get errors because Messenger.MyName etc are not recognised. I may or may not got errors depending on whether; The CPU has just booted up and WML is s et for auto-login, WML is already running (but signed out) and you are signing in, or, you have just started WML and it is signing in automatically.
Depending on which of the above it is, WML takes longer to sign in the and timer trigger event may fire early then expected thus yielding errors. Ofcourse the obvious solution would be to increase the timer interval but I found the whole idea of using a timer worrying, because it is a very unreliable method of testing whether WML is ready or not.
I have 2 questions...
1) In JScript is there a key/reserved word to exit an Event function? For instance, OnGetScriptMenu, if I used a keyword (much like
Return or
Exit Sub in VB.Net), it will exit the function immediately and..
2) Is there a universal template someone has to accommodate the different situations that the script may start in, ie. CPU booting up, WML starting and WML signing in.
Sorry I can't post any code atm as I'm not at home but give me a few hours and I will

Any help would be appreciated
