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custom statuses/desktop contacts
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O.P. custom statuses/desktop contacts
hey guys!

ive been experiencing severe problems with the custom status from plus (on msn live)

1st ive set them up and no problems....
then ive set sum hotkeys and made some nice desktop contacts etc.
here is where it began -
as i changed my status using the hotkeys (ctrl+<numpad1> or so)
msn suddenly lags and crashes - seting the task priority to realtime sumtimes helps but maybe 1ce out of 20 times -> it sumtimes even crashes when startin msn =/

as i removed the desktop contacts it seemes to work more stable yet still crashes from time to time (like 1ce out of 5 times) when using the hotkeys for the stats...

this is quite anoying - specially coz these features kick ass

id b very happy if u could find a way to fix this and inform me ;-)

just to see ill also add a poll to check howmany others have the same issue =P

thnx a lot!!
plus rox!

plus version:
live messenger version: 8.0.0812.00
OS: WinXP Pro (fully updated)

This post was edited on 09-19-2006 at 03:36 PM by enigmadmin.
09-19-2006 03:29 PM
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RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
personally i haven't encountered this problem, however lets look at it a sec.

you said that if you remove some desktop contacts it decreases the frequency of the crashes. i would say then that desktop contacts must obviously make messenger take up more space in active memory, now couple that with messengers inherant memory leaks, now then my guess would be you dont have an overly powerful computer so when messenger takes up all that active memory your computer isnt powerful enough to process all that information so it often results in messenger crashing, as your number of desktop contacts decreases so too does the amount of active memory messenger is using and thus your frequency of crashes decreases.

my suggestion for fixing this would be either reduce the number of desktop contacts until crash frequency reaches acceptable levels (temporary fix) or buy a more powerful pc that can handle the extreme processing that you require it to do. (permanant fix) hope this helps please let me know how you get on.
09-19-2006 07:15 PM
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O.P. RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
hmm not sure bout that.
ive got an HP dc5100 (standard desktop pc)
3ghz on 512mb ram should be enough i recon...

plus ive removed all desktop contacts but now i cant even start msn without it crashing after 3 secs =/

ive even tried uninstalling plus - yet the problem still occurs

This post was edited on 09-20-2006 at 07:12 AM by enigmadmin.
09-20-2006 07:10 AM
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RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
Then it might not be a  Plus! problem. What other addons have you installed? If any?

Tried reinstalling WLM?
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09-20-2006 08:54 AM
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RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
Originally posted by enigmadmin
seting the task priority to realtime sumtimes helps but maybe 1ce out of 20 times -> it sumtimes even crashes when startin msn =/
Never ever set the task priority to realtime, unless you absolutely know what you're doing and why you're doing it!

In fact, giving a process more task priority will increase/speed up the chances of a crash more than anything else. But it should not reduce or increase the amount of crashes on the application you changed the priority for; it should have no influence on that. Though, it may increase the amount of crashes for other applications as they are forced into the background/suspense...

You should not fiddle with the task priority if you don't know what you're doing.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-20-2006 10:24 AM
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O.P. RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts

ive tried reinstalling it all and only installing wlm without plus and sumhow it now crashes when i open wlm and click on something.
if someone writes me, np i can chat without any crashes or so...

dont bother me bout the task priority i know what i can do or not do with that - doing that was mainly for test purpose plus i dont increase it from normal to realtime in 1 hit, i go step by step and yes it does help sometimes (mainly for analitical purpose) - ofcorse i wont let msn run with a 2 high priority all the time, coz then when msn lags the rest begins to lag etc and i know it can cause a crash but yet this doesnt explain the bug
09-20-2006 01:04 PM
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woot simpson

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RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
try removing all your scripts that's wat i did when my wlm kept crashing

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09-21-2006 08:10 AM
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O.P. RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
hmm what scripts?
i got plus uninstalled and i wudnt know any scripts for wlm directly (or theyr just not poppin in ma head) =P
09-21-2006 12:02 PM
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RE: custom statuses/desktop contacts
Originally posted by xen0h
try removing all your scripts that's wat i did when my wlm kept crashing
He's tried it without Plus! installed, so it's not a script issue.

enigmadmin, try reinstalling again, but this time delete the MSN messenger folder in program Files and reboot before you install. Also, run any virus/malware scanners too.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
09-21-2006 02:19 PM
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