O.P. Adding/readding/blocking/unblocking problem.
I started to have this problem, when I re-added a contact and unblocking the contact, 2 days ago.
I blocked and deleted an contact about 3 month ago,
Then 2 days ago, I wanted to chat to the contact, so I add the contact as normal, the contact appears to be on my list, unblocked and offline
(Note: the contact is online...)
I check my privacy list, and the contact was still in the blocked list.
So I moved it into Allow list, but contact still not online. But, I could double click the contact and chat to the contact.
in the yellow bar, it says "this contact isnt on your list. click here to add him or her now"
So I click it, nothing happens.
I have contacted WLM Support, about this yesterday and got a reply this morning, and the email was literally a WHOLE MANUAL how to use WLM!.
how to add, how to block and etc...
None of it worked.
I have noticed a problem, when I sign off and sign on at work, my name doesn't change to what I have already change it to.
I have no idea why...
And I also notice, it all works at work...
So earlier, I have uninstalled WLM, and downloaded a fresh install and installed it.
Nothing is fixed, or repaired or changed.
Still the same, contact is still offline.
I have also added a contact few days ago aswell, but apparently she didn't get my notification to add me back... on her WLM!.
Now, as anyone had this problem, and KNOW how to fix it?
if a reinstallation doesn't fix the problem(s).
I have tried many things,
Adding, readding, blocking, privacy settings, repair, reinstall, but nothing.
It seems like, my WLM isn't contacting the WLM servers, or something...
Or it doesn't update my contacts or anything...
Well, thanks for reading, if you can help out, please do.
Peter Lawlor