Dunno why but my last post didn't go through
I was talking to Sunshine about this yesterday before it crashed on me.
It would seem very odd and highly unlikely that both hard-drives would 'go' at the same time and cause problems booting, especially as they are on different power cables and of different types, 1 SATA 1 IDE
Now that I'm buying a CPU,RAM, Mobo Bundle, that's been tested before transit I should be able to knock off my 2 main theories; RAM and Mobo, especially as the MoBo is Vista Supported and the RAM will be of the same type and current standard. I seem to have a history of RAM issues (despite all testers giving me an all clear) of which sorted themselves out upon Vista installation surprisingly
I was aware of Vista's dynamic installation techniques thus needing to repair/re-install Vista, I plan to back up as much data as I can and then re-format/re-install Vista again before re-instating the backed up data.
Hopefully this will stop the issues, as currently I can't get vista to load fully before crashing aprox. 40 seconds after sign in, startup items will no longer continue to load, system quickly becomes more and more un-responsive till mouse locks up then either it'll BSOD or just stay like that and turn off whenever i press the main power button in (rather than hold in for 4 seconds+)
Hopefully the new parts will arrive tomorrow or Wednesday via the new courier