O.P. Custom Disply Pictures
Not sure if I am the only one here but I have noticed a issue with deleting Custom Display Pictures that you add. When I remove them they are deleted but if you open the window again to add new ones etc they are still there but not there. the file is still on the list but you can see the little preview of the picture. Just the name of the file or some random filename appears but cant remove it as it just comes back. I have tried to delete all files in the User Tile folder without success unless its stored elsewhere. Which is here: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\<random numbers>\UserTile
is there anyway to reset the profile or anything? I using Windows Live Messenger 8.5.0517.
it's been bugging me for sometime and just got too annoying now lol
as in another post by Cookie that suggested looking in here: %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Messenger\<your_windows_live_id>\ObjectStore
I found nothing but my Sharing Folders =/
i found it and fixed it. Did a search on the hard drive for my email address and found where I needed to go. Was: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Messenger\<Email Address>
This post was edited on 10-17-2007 at 03:28 AM by Zoidy.