I love this thing and it's so brilliant and simple. Here's a thought (or 2), though:
Basically, when you are away from the computer and someone messages you...the script would close the window X minutes after they write their last message. Then you would NEVER know that person ever messaged you. Maybe if you could set the script not to close the window when you have a status such as away.
Ah, yes, something else. Say the timer is ticking...10,9,8,7,6,5.... and you are in the middle of typing a reeeeeeaaaaaallllllly long message, then 3, 2, 1 and the window closes...gah. I suppose you could reset the timer on ChatWndEditKeyDown. Not sure how heavy it is on the processor to Delete and Add a timer every keystroke

Just something for you to think about, not got the time to mod it myself.