I am using the advanced options page that I got from the documentation. I followed it to a T. I have encountered an error however. I changed a check box to remove the search bar at the bottom of the messenger window with:
<Interfaces xmlns="urn:msgplus:interface" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi
chemaLocation="urn:msgplus:interface PlusInterface.xsd" Name="InterfaceOptions">
<Window Id="SkinOpt" Version="1">
<Position Width="220" Height="104"/>
<Control xsi:type="CheckBoxControl" Id="RemSearchBar">
<Position Top="86" Width="150" Left="5"/>
<Caption>Remove the Search Bar</Caption>
I put this in the 923 file:
<Element <*PlusSkin Conditions(RemSearchBar = false)*>layoutpos=bottom</*PlusSkin*> <*PlusSkin Conditions(RemSearchBar = true)*>layoutpos=none</*PlusSkin*> padding=rect(8,0,8,8) layout=filllayout() ID=Atom(ai217)>
My skininfo has this:
<WindowId Language="en-us">SkinOpt</WindowId>
Every time i close and reopen the options page, the checkbox is not checked. I restart and it does not check. It does not ask to restart when I click ok. Please advise.