Ok this is the stuff that I want to get happening at the moment:
FAQ Page (Using / Installing Skins / Quick Info) - This is so that we can direct people to this page when they need help with using skins.
FAQ Page (Making skins) - This will go over what you can and can't do with skinning
Messenger History Page - History of Messenger
Messenger Plus Page - Everything related to Messenger Plus! history etc
Skins strings reference - Will be a table for string ID's that can come in handy
Broken up UIFile Pages - Each UIFile will be broken up and code snippets of places of interest will be put here
Open Live Resource Table - images used in open live will be documented
for now this is the main stuff I want to cover before I get deeper into other things such as references for layout types, element restrictions etc. I already have a couple of people helping out and its much appreciated. This should be good once its done. I'll worry about customizing the wiki once its all there