thanks pleas make for next version:
a) DONT FLIP SMILIES and do NOT FLIP Codes "[*b][*u][#4543] etg.!!!!!!!!
Fliped: (-:
b) give a option to DO NOT Flip URL!
c) give a option to reset (all option off) for simple quick-handling
d) Add Script-Flip-Option from Conversion Window to Main WLM-Skript Option!
e) a lot of languages have problem with read. pleas make it simple to see status (one of them) of "ON/OFF"i mean to see just "on" or just "off".
f) flip without text backswart... example:
g) give just for fun a translate to german
Flip On all Conv. = Flip alle Kon.
Flip Name = Flip Name
Flip Name and PSM = Flip Name und PSM
Flip PSM = Flip PSM = Flip PSM
Flip and Send = Flip und senden
PreSend Flip = ???? what is mean?
Toggle Conv. Fip On/Off = ???? what is mean?
Info: = Info:
- Commands are: = Kommandos
-- /flip <~ sends a flipped message. = sendet "flipped" Nachricht. also verkehrt herum und rückwärts.
-- /flipname <~ flips your nickname = "flipt" deinen Anzeige Namen verkehrt herum und rückwärts.
-- /flippsm <~ flips your personal message = "fliped" deine Statusnachricht verkehrt herum und rückwärts.
-- /flipon & /flipoff <~ Toggles flipping all the message you send to all conversations = Schalte "fliped" an/aus, auf alle Nachrichten die Gesendet werden.
-- /fliptoggle <~ Toggles flipping message you send to the current conversation. = Schalte "fliped" an/aus, auf momentan gestartete aktive Konversationen.
h) bug with "o" to flip an enable flip is the "o" = "O". (It's a very uncommon bug)
Original: vany kommt morgen <3
fliped: ***(fliped text...)***
unfliped: vany kOmmt mOrgen <3
I wish taht you make a credits button an do me with " - reporter" add.
(I Am a reporter for a lott of stuff... skripts, greasmonkey,, , KNDS-Softwares etc.