Hey ya'll!
I hope most of you saw the earlier version of NickEXP!... so you can see the vast difference between that, and the new version, NickEXP!2...
This program allows you to:
- Have Multi-coloured Text in your nickname
- Have Multi-coloured Background in your nickname
- Apply Bold/Underline/Italic to your nickname
- Have a gradient in your nickname
- Complete editing of the 'says' Text
- An Illegal Nickname Changer
- Nickname styler, with 10 set styles
You MUST have Msgplus!2 for this program to work!
Heres the download link to NickEXP!2:
If you have found any bugs, errors, typos, or have some suggestions for future version... or just wanna leave a comment on the program, then please do so
Hope ya'll like it!
[BetterMSN sed NickEXP!1 was the worst of all the MsgPlus! addons... he can go suck my toe!]