ok, i'm really at a loss... the sounds on MSG+ are really cool and can really be annoying, but i'm about to lose my mind...
some of the phrases i recognize, like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Homer, and the Star Wars melody... another one I recognize, is the "Oh my GOD!" phrase... but i don't know from where!!! it's splitting my brains!
by the way, it might be fun just to see where they all come from, for as far as it's possible. (this is such a typically dutch phrase... couldn't come up with a good english one, sorry)
I'll be back- Arnie
Booooooring- Homer
Haaaaaaidiho folks!- mr. Hankey (or however it's written)
Evil march- Star Wars
I'm running out of patience- some Clint Eastwood movie?
Muahwhahaahaha- isn't that from some sort of game?
See you later- no idea....
Oh come on- recognize this one as well now..

Are you mad- hits me as something a Monty Python could've said
anyway... some of 'em aren't from a movie or tv-show or something... but what you can come up with would be awesome