O.P. Computers Died Need Help :(
Alright seeing as i cannot use my computer i will not be able to answer any questions you may want to ask me so i will describe what i was doing in detail.
Last night (7th May GMT) My computer was mucking about and being slow and locking up so i just help the power button in to perform a power shutdown on the machine.
This morning I tried to start up the machine and after the XP loading screen I hear some grinding noises with a black screen (Just before i would expect the welcome screen, I had these grinding noises a while ago some members may remember) after the grinds (I'm sure they are from the hard drive) I recieved a BSOD with the following written.
STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure}
the Registry cannot load the hive (File):
\System Root\System32\Config\SOFTWARE
or its log or alternate.
It is corrupt, absent or not writeable
Beginning dump of physical memory...
Physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.
I'm not really bothered about the computer any more i'll probably order/purchase a new one by the end of the week.
If anything i would like to back up some files, songs, videos etc and then format the HDD and use it as a slave in the new system.
I've wiped/reset the CMOS and tried starting Windows in various modes (Safe Mode, Last known Good Configuration etc) neither of these have had any effect.
Last time i checked i had 0 cases of (BLAH)-ware and 0 viruses. I run at least one check per day.
I have access to the Windows XP Home Disc.
I will attempt to check this thread whilst at school tomorrow and once again on my fathers computer when i get back home.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
PS: My Dad refuses me to test with his computer so i do not have access to spare components or power supplies etc.