O.P. Contact Information window navigation bugs
I am using Messener Plus v3.54.132, and I recently installed MSN Messenger v7.5.0299.
This bug was present in the current version of MSN mentioned above, but I also noticed it when using the previous version.
In older version fo MsgPlus this bug was not present.
Now that's out of the way, here's what I have noticed. when you right-click a contact and choose 'messenger plus extras' -> 'contact information' you have a small window that summerizes status and name changes for that contact.
In past versions of MsgPlus you could just hit Esc to quickly and easily close this window, AND you could also navigate the window elements with TAB or Shift+Tab. In the current version of MsgPlus you cannot do either of these things and must close the window manually with the 'X', close button, or alt+f4.
Hope this helps and all the best with this fantastic plugin for MSN!