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Transparent world
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O.P. Transparent world
Al-qaeda taking applications

"Al Qaeda has put job advertisements on the Internet asking for supporters to help put together its Web statements and video montages, an Arabic newspaper reported.

The London-based Asharq al-Awsat said on its Web site this week that al Qaeda had "vacant positions" for video production and editing statements, footage and international media coverage about militants in Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Chechnya and other conflict zones where militants are active.

The paper said the Global Islamic Media Front, an al Qaeda-linked Web-based organization, would "follow up with members interested in joining and contact them via email." It did not say how applicants should contact the Global Islamic Media Front.

Al Qaeda supporters widely use the Internet to spread the group's statements through dozens of Islamist sites where anyone can post messages. Al Qaeda-linked groups also set up their own sites, which frequently have to move after being shut down by Internet service providers.

Asharq al-Awsat said the advert did not specify salary amounts, but added: "Every Muslim knows his life is not his, since it belongs to this violated Islamic nation whose blood is being spilled. Nothing should take precedence over this."

The Front this week issued the second broadcast of a weekly Web news program called Voice of the Caliphate, which it says aims to combat anti-Qaeda "lies and propaganda" on major global and Arab television channels such as CNN and Al Jazeera. Last month it issued an English-language video on the Internet called Jihad Hidden Camera which showed sniping and bombing attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq, and carried comical sound effects as well as laugh tracks.

Al Qaeda and other groups have increasingly turned to the Internet to win young Muslims over to their war against Western-backed governments in Arab and Muslim countries."

Source: http://ircspy.com/comments.asp?mode=view&id=3722



MI6 recruits spies on its own website

"MI6 took another step out of the shadows last night when it launched its official website, for the first time advertising openly for candidates "with a global outlook" rather than secretly scouting for recruits."

"MI6's arrival on the internet, years behind other branches of Britain's intelligence community, is designed to "dispel the myths but not the mystique", according to one British official."

"The recruitment page explains how "staff benefit from modern air-conditioned offices on the banks of the Thames with good public transport access to the rest of London and beyond. Facilities include squash and basketball courts, a gym, a restaurant, coffee lounge and bar.""

"There are pen-profiles of serving officers, such as 28-year-old "Andrew" who spent time as a soldier in Iraq and as a management consultant before joining MI6.

"I was bored and wanted a challenge that was more than the private sector seemed able to offer," he is quoted as saying. "I think that I've got it right. I've already been in some pretty testing situations abroad. Delivering results under pressure and in difficult circumstances gives me a real buzz.""

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/n...0/13/ixportal.html

Sorry if its old news :P
10-17-2005 10:43 PM
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Transparent world - by paperless on 10-17-2005 at 10:43 PM
RE: Transparent world - by guanako on 10-18-2005 at 02:55 AM
RE: Transparent world - by mwe99 on 10-18-2005 at 03:02 AM
RE: Transparent world - by paperless on 10-18-2005 at 12:53 PM

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