Hey folks,
I'm ALWAYS on Messenger Plus, and yesterday it asked me to updrade to the latest version so I said, I will do it and be up to date as I like to be!
It downloaded, and said that 'Your PC needs to be turned off/re-started before going into the new version' (Think it's version 7.5...not 100%)
Then when I tried to log back in it wouldn't let me. It said Firewall was blocking me going onto MSN. I went into the Firewall settings and it said that MSN was given full acsess but it won't let me in.
A few weeks ago, I also downloaded 'The Handwriting' thingy, has that got to do with anything.
Thanks for reading folks - I hope someone can help, because MSN is my life
(I need to get out more)
Thanks In Advance
All Good Wishes
C x