I am trying to create a database that will in the same record when you change forms.
Lets say in form1 you have txtname, txtlast, txtaddress i have more but lets just use these 3
in form2 you have txtname, txtlast, txtaddress, txtphone, txtemail.
when I am in form1 record 7 when I load form2 I want to make it stay on the same record number 7. get me?
bookmark it? and make it load on form2? if yes, can someone help me with that code? I dont know what to do, i been trying for like 3 hours and cant find the code no where, not in google not anywhere.
I added a lil test project code so you guys can take a look at it and test code that I have.
hopefully I am being clear to you guys.
someone help me on this, thanks in advance.