O.P. Web Geek Contest - W/ Prize
Create a Secret Number Guessing Game Program
1. Write Pseudocode for a JavaScript program that does the followin
• Declares a random secret number between 1 and 10.
• Allows the user to try and guess the secret number. They are allowed as many guesses as they need to get it right.
• Help them along by outputting information after each guess.
o If their guess is too low, out put that “ (number they guessed) is too low. Please try again.”
o If their guess is too high, output that “(number they quessed is too high. Please try again.”
o If their guess is correct, output “You guessed it!”
2. Now write the JavaScript Program using your pseudocode as a guide.
You have not yet learned how to generate random numbers so here is the code to declare a variable and then to generate a random number between 1 and 10 and assign it to the variable.
var randomValue;
randomValue = Math.floor (1 + Math.random () * 10);
• you must use the proper lettercase - M must be a capital letter or you will get logic errors
• you will need to use the if / else selection structure and you will also need to use the while repetition structure in this program.
All of the below
craftytv.com invite
30mb.com invite
gmail invite
web2messenger invite
webdp invite
How to win
Be the first to answer the correct code
![[Image: glennlopez.png]](http://dxlabs.skarz.co.uk/wdp/dynamic/wlmblack/glennlopez.png)
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