O.P. Regarding Msgplus 3.63 security
Hello, I would like to ask a question regarding Msgplus 3.63, which is the latest version.
In Sypher's Plus! FAQ Sticky in the MsgPlus! Help & Support section, his post says that "Microsoft Anti-Spyware / some other anti-spyware program says Plus! still has spyware, but I haven't installed the sponsor!
Some anti-spyware applications give out false warnings. If you haven't installed the Sponsor, you don't have it.. Period."
However in the past versions of Msgplus that I've used [version 3.62 and before], ZoneAlarm has never displayed any security alerts for me, and 3.63 is the only version which will trigger that alert. May I ask if there is any major changes made in 3.63 or does it really have any capabilities to record all my user input?
I have not installed the free sponsor program that comes along with the Msgplus installer, and in the Messenger Plus! - Preferences, I have left the "Allow Plus! to send anonymous, numerical statistics periodically" box unchecked.
Would anyone kindly help me with the problem? Thanks in advance!
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