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Windows Vista installation and boot questions
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O.P. Windows Vista installation and boot questions

I want to install Vista on our primary system.

When we installed Windows XP, we had two HDDs and three partion:
1) 200GB SATA Disk: 40GB patrion; Windows and programs installed there, 160GB partion; stuff there
2) 40GB IDE Disk: 40GB partion; (Almost (read below)) nothing on the harddrive. Hope it will have Vista in one day :P

Now, I'm not sure how the drives were setup, but I guess that the SATA one is the Master and the IDE is the Slave. (Like I said, I guess...)

Now, windows XP installation, for some reason, it decided to put boot.ini in my E: drive (40 gb ide drive) :-/
I don't know why it would do this, but anyway, it did it. (of course, the IDE could be the master and the SATA the slave, but as I said im not sure...)

Now, here's my problem: What will vista do with boot.ini when I install it (Vista) into that hdd?
Will it delete it making it impossible to boot into windows XP? (unless I re-create boot.ini myself)
I also heard that Vista uses a new boot manager, and that's what is also worrying me a bit...

I want to be able to boot with windows XP too, because it's my mother's computer mostly, and she doesn't really want to use Vista :P

Can I also set "Earlier Version of Windows"  (aka XP) be the default choise at the boot manager and set the timeout to something like 2-5 seconds, so she won't accidently boot into vista?

Thanks :)
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06-17-2006 08:17 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Mike on 06-17-2006 at 08:17 PM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Ahmad on 06-17-2006 at 08:21 PM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Nathan on 06-17-2006 at 08:26 PM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Mike on 06-17-2006 at 08:27 PM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Ahmad on 06-17-2006 at 08:38 PM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Vilkku on 06-18-2006 at 07:54 AM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Nathan on 06-18-2006 at 01:20 PM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Ahmad on 06-18-2006 at 03:50 PM
RE: Windows Vista installation and boot questions - by Nathan on 06-18-2006 at 07:09 PM

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