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MP!L Feedback - First impression
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O.P. Happy  MP!L Feedback - First impression
Hi and hello, hi Patchou!

First of all, congrats to this new Plus! episode, I indeed like the program a lot, and I've been using it for a couple of hours only. Here is some feedback/questions I have gathered in that time:

- What happened to the custom away status? Still on the To-Do-List for 4.1? {wants to set himself "Away at work"}. I could not find out yet, do we at least see the custom status of Plus!3 correctly?

- Response of Plus! seems a bit slow to me at times, e.g. when I resize the event logger window, or start up the script editor. Maybe that's because of the window style Plus! uses?

- I've got a serious problem with my floating contacts, when checking and activating "Alter settings based on contact's status: Transparency change", my flaoting contacts become almost completely transparent. I am aware they are less transparent when going online, still I would like to be able to change the transparency amount for them also when they are set offline. Yes, I see the slider, but even if you set it to 0% transparency it's still very transparent, almost completely, as said.

- When you leave the mouse on a floating contact, after a short time a tooltip shows up, showing information about that contact. Very useful. But it doesn't work all the time. I have not been able to reproduce when it works and when it doesn't, but somehow it's not working all the way it should.

- I lost my debug window for the scripts. I was trying to get feedback for someone else who wrote a script that is not working correctly, so I enabled the debug option, and the debug window popped up. Good until here, but I ended up closing the window in the process, and now there is no way to get the debug window back, not even by unchecking and checking the debug option again. Where did it hide?

- Please don't cancel the quick icon panel feature, I miss it too!! Makes life incredibly easier.

- A "Display event viewer" option directly at the Plus! icon on top of the contact list would be cool. I look at the list quite often, and it's a bit painful to click through the Live menu first (2 clicks and 2 mouse moves vs. 2 fast clicks...).

- Even after specifying an EMail account and mail program in Plus!, nothing happens when pressing the mail icon in WLM main window. I assume you have no access to that part of the software in order to enable that?

- How about color highlighting the running month in the Log Viewer list on the left side? I've got logs from over two years, which makes a lot of folders... takes quite a few seconds to reach the "June 2006" (or in my case the german version of it).

- It's very optional, but you might want to consider to release one last Plus!3 version that shows the new BB codes in names. I know of many people who don't want to or can't use WLM but use MSN Messenger and Plus!3. And since the BB codes seem to be "standard" from now on...

Well, I think that's all for now, if I remember or find something else I'll post it here too. Again, thanks for such a great plugin, it's close to be perfect and will probably get even better soon ;)

This post was edited on 06-25-2006 at 10:10 AM by Islander.
06-25-2006 10:02 AM
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MP!L Feedback - First impression - by Islander on 06-25-2006 at 10:02 AM
RE: MP!L Feedback - First impression - by Sypher on 06-25-2006 at 10:19 AM

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