I uninstalled and reinstalled Windows Live Messenger the other day thinking there was something wrong with the offline messaging feature. When I got it reloaded I noticed the backgrounds have disappeared. I'm now seeing boxes with x's inside them. Does anybody know how to bring the backgrounds back? I had some of my own that I added to Windows Live Messenger too and they are gone as well. The emoticons and display pics are fine. It's just the backgrounds not showing anymore. Windows Live Messenger was working fine till I uninstalled and reinstalled it. Hope somebody out there can help me fix Windows Live Messenger so I can use my backgrounds. When I put them back in they disappeared again after I signed back on

. Lots of help from anybody will be greatly appreciated. If someone needs me to show a screenshot of the blank boxes I will be glad to attach the file. I've tried contacting Windows Live Messenger Tech Support and I'm having a hard time explaining the problem to them. I am hoping that someone in here will be able to understand what I'm trying to say and hopefully give me some good answers on how to fix the backgrounds. Don't know what to do to make the backgrounds stop disappearing. There's gotta be a fix to this kinda problem.
Liz aka Auntie Liz