O.P. [Release] AnswerPhone v1.2
This simple script checks all of the messages that you receive when you are not online and not appearing offline. It displays them all in one window so all messages can be easily viewed (for example, one useful suggestion was whilst playing a full-screen game on one monitor, you can monitor all messages on another). The settings can be changed by:
1. Clicking the toast that appears when you change your status to Busy, etc.
2. Using the command "/answer" in a chat. This replaces the old "!answer".
The answer phone only acts when the user is not online and not appearing offline.
New in this version (1.2):
Button in main window to open a chat with the contact who has left a message (only works in conversations with only one other person) Option to automatically reply to all messages left Answer phone window is resizable !answer replaced by the "real" command /answer New settings interface Settings stored in the registry so that they are remembered.
Hope you like it, please tell me if there are any more features that you would like adding!
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