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O.P. Heeeeelp!!!! Nagware!!!! (MSN Content Plus)
Oh my god... I really hope someone can help me... I am being driven slowly insane... which is why I came and found you guys and this forum!!! 
I recently downloaded the trial software for MSN Content Plus! After 30 days (with daily reminders), the software is supposed to tell you to uninstall the demo or buy the full package.... Which would be lovely I'm sure, but I don't want the full package, I really only downloaded it to play around with it.... After a day I decided I didn't want it and was happy to uninstall....
However, it seems that the Content Plus! trial package comes with inbuilt nagware because ever since I have stopped running it I have a little popup about 80+ times a day that tells me to either buy the full software or uninstall it... Which I had already done at this point btw....
So I decided to go through my registry in an act of desperation and remove ANYTHING that had the word MSN in it, this worked, but I no longer had messenger either.... Not good...!
So I reinstalled Messenger 7.5 i the hope that the pesky little reminder box had gone away... It came back along with the new Messenger....
I cannot get rid of it for love nor money without losing Messenger too... I have looked everywhere for software to help me remove it, I have mailed MSN but they don't reply and now I find this has happened to a lot of other people....
I have nothing against MSN or Messenger, I use it every single day, but I HAVE to get this nagware popup window off my system before I go crazy.... Can ANYONE help me..... pleeeeease????? 
Yours desperately,
This post was edited on 07-05-2006 at 08:11 AM by WDZ.