O.P. [BETA Release] Statistics v0.5
I've updated my statistics script. It will...
Log your time signed in for that session
Log your time signed in, in total
Log your sent and received messages
Gives you percentages of sent/received messages
Logs it all to XML
Supports mulitple users
Lots of bugs have been fixed since the last release, i would love some feedback on this as its my first script. Particularly which new features you would most like to see.
BTW its scary how much time i spend on messenger!
EDIT: You need to sign out and in again for it to start working.
Attachment: Statistics v0.52.plsc (3.7 KB)
This file has been downloaded 253 time(s).
This post was edited on 07-17-2006 at 04:58 PM by Mothuim.