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[BETA] MultiSearch v0.5
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Hmm, Just Me...

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O.P. [BETA] MultiSearch v0.5
This script isn't updated anymore, you may use and change this code as you like, as long as you mention my name

In reply to a request in this thread for a MultiSearch tool, I created one now...

All updates are underlined...

Its really easy, in my opinion:
/search /enginename:groupname /searchstring: Search for "Searchstring" with the specified searchengine, multiple can be used, seperated by a comma. The enginename can be left out, it will search with every engine available
/searchadd /enginename:goupname /url: Add a searchengine, %s will be replaced by the searchstring.
/searchedit is the same, but changes an existing engine
/searchdelete /enginename:groupname: deletes an engine (d'oh)
/searchlist shows all available engines
Do not forget the [/] slashes before an enginename or searchstring
/searchreload: Reloads all standard engines, and clears the custom ones

Grouping and Multiple Engines
An asterisk in the enginename:groupname pair will match multiple engines or groups, like *oogle:Web will match Google:Web and Froogle:Web (this is not a standard engine)
If an enginename or groupname is left out, it will match every group in that engine, or every engine in that group, like Google: will match Google:Web, Google:Image and Google:Video. :Image will match Google:Image and AltaVista:Image, you could also write *:Image.
When only an enginename is specified, it will search with the standard group of that engine, like Google will match only Google:Web
You can match multiple groups and engines by seperating them with a comma

A few examples:
Search for Script websites with all engines
/Search /:Web /Script

Search for Java with every Google engine
/Search /Google: /Java

Search for MSN with the AltaVista standard group
/Search /Altavista /MSN
Notice the absence of the colon, if a colon was written, it will search with all groups, like in the example above

Search for Titanic with Torrent and Video searchengines
/Search /:Torrent,:Video /Titanic

There are currently 20 standard engines available

Add more engines (torrents)
Add groups, I.E. Web, Image, Video, Torrents, etc


please give your comment, tell me what groups you'd like to see, wich engines should be added. Also everything you'd like to see added is welcome

AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: Can someone check if it works when FireFox or Netscape is the standard browser?

.plsc File Attachment: MultiSearch.plsc (3.56 KB)
This file has been downloaded 222 time(s).

This post was edited on 09-11-2006 at 06:57 PM by Shondoit.
My scripts:                            [Image: shondoit.gif]
+ Timezone
+ Camelo
+ Multisearch
07-21-2006 04:36 PM
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Messages In This Thread
[BETA] MultiSearch v0.5 - by Shondoit on 07-21-2006 at 04:36 PM
RE: [BETA] MultiSearch v0.5 - by segosa on 07-21-2006 at 10:56 PM
RE: [BETA] MultiSearch v0.5 - by ddunk on 07-21-2006 at 10:56 PM
RE: [BETA] MultiSearch v0.5 - by Shondoit on 07-21-2006 at 11:02 PM

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