ok, I have a text file that has a line that goes:
<email>begininfo <info><email>endinfo
(Example: example@db.combegininfo w00texample@db.comendinfo)
that way I can search for <email>begininfo to find the beginning of the information, then look for <email>endinfo to find the end of the information so it can extract it.
From what I can tell this script should do the trick... But it's not working right :\
if(Message == '!charname'){
tf = fso.OpenTextFile(Path, ForReading, true);
FileInfo = tf.ReadAll();
var Start = FileInfo.indexOf(Contact.Email + 'begininfo');
Start = Start + Contact.Email.length + 10;
var End = CharInfo.indexOf(Contact.Email + 'endinfo');
var Info = FileInfo.substr(Start,End);
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