I want to make a USB Flash Disk bootable.
I tried copying FreeDOS' floppy image to my flash disk, but it didn't seem to work.
I also tried copying the created files from a windows formatted floppy with the "Create MS-DOS boot floppy" option enabled, but that also didn't work.
Do I need to format my flash disk with "a special way" to make it bootable?
Or maybe, do I need to do something like that?
Also, I dont know whether the USB device is first in the boot order, and I cant check that since the BIOS is password protected.
But I think it is because when I leave it on the USB slot and then restart my computer, my flash disk's activity light will light on for a sec twice: Once before the computer starts detecting IDE drives and once after "Verifing DMI Pool Data" is done... (I know that some MBs don't show that, but this MB does
So, how can I make my flash disk bootable?
UPDATE: I have managed to make my flash disk bootable.
Now I have problems installing Hiren's BootCD as you can see
Help would be appriciated