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Ways to get rid of viruses
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O.P. Wink  Ways to get rid of viruses
For people who have asked on how to get rid of viruses Here's a thread (That maybe you can sticky) that will tell you on various ways of doing this:

A Low risk virus:
This is a way to get rid of a low risk virus, this will be effective if it doesn't come up "Access Denied".
Basically get a virus scanner e.g Grisoft AVG Free (get here) and run a scan, once its found the viruses it will ask you to choose whether you want it "In the vault" "Deleted" or ignored. Choose deleted or in the vault its really up to you.
Say the program has been infected and you have ran the scan and deleted the virus/put it in the vault, you may as well go to Add/Remove programs in Control Panel and uninstall it. Cos it will prevent access and/or corrupt it.
A Medium risk Virus
This will usually prevent you from ending the process and delete it.
First try the way above and if this doesn't work then use this method.
You must know the name of the virus and where it is. to carry on for the next to steps;)
Go to Start -> My Computer -> (The drive that it is located) -> Find where the virus is located -> Highlight it and click "Del" on your keyboard.
And that should work.
A Very High Risk Virus
These are usually very secure so there harder to get rid of.
And again, before you try this step try the ones above;)
Right get into safe mode (Restart -> Click F8 -> Click "Safe Mode" -> Login )
If the taskbar does not load up (Like for me :/) then just Ctrl + Alt + Del then go to new task type in "cmd".
If by now you have forgotten the name but you know what directory it is then first type in "dir this_is_where_the_dir_name_goes" let it list everything and then look for it. Once you have found it and you know for sure* that its that type in: "del (**)C:\THEN\GO\THROUGH\TO\WHERE\IT\IS" Then click enter. And you're done.
To test if its defiantly gone do the delete command again and if it says " ... not found" Then its been successfully deleted :D

*I do not take any responsibility for you deleting the wrong thing!
**This is the letter of your drive.  Insert the on where your virus is located.

Well I hope this helps people. And any comments feel free ;)
Touch Innovation - touch friendly programs/applications for the windows mobile!

08-31-2006 04:54 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Ways to get rid of viruses - by Nathan on 08-31-2006 at 04:54 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by Lourix on 08-31-2006 at 04:59 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by Plik on 08-31-2006 at 05:14 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by Nathan on 08-31-2006 at 05:27 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by ShawnZ on 08-31-2006 at 06:11 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by Mark xD on 08-31-2006 at 06:11 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by Kenji on 08-31-2006 at 06:12 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by foaly on 08-31-2006 at 06:15 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by Mark xD on 08-31-2006 at 06:23 PM
RE: Ways to get rid of viruses - by foaly on 08-31-2006 at 08:13 PM

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