Well firstly i am sorry for making yet another thread about my new computer, i just want to make sure i get what i want and that i am not disapointed!
well after going though dell, you may remember, they offered me a system for £600 i think, cant remember
- Vista home premium
- 320GB HDD
- 256MB grapics card
- 20" screen
and all the other junk
i was very interested in this, but then i was onto my next option, build it my-self, i found a very nice case which i likes and all the part to go with it, I think i got this to around £700 including a dual 19" scree setup.
Well now i am on my 3rd option... an Imac 24", standerd setup, £1350 but i found it in glasgow (about 50 miles from my home town) for £1225. I really like this, and the fact that its a mac. BUT as most people should know it must be the worst time to spend that sort of money at this moment in time, with all the things apple should have comeing up as everything is overdue an update and ofcourse leopard. so now that they have put the realese date back to October it give me much more time to save up the extra £600-£700, baring in mind i am only 14! So does anyone currently own an Imac 24, if so what good about it and whats bad, also any comments on what you think will happen between now and june 11th ( WWDC)
Thanks Everyone
EDIT: also i have heard a few rumors that apple are opening an Apple store on Princess street, my main shopping centre
, as i has never been to a grand opening for an apple store, do they do any deals on opening day?