I have made a script that quickly uses the commands that the computer details script uses (http://www.msgpluslive.net/scripts/view/14-Computer-Details/) but when i run the script it says
The Command You Entered Was Not Recognised
If The Message Was Not Meant To Be A Command, Insert A Second '/' At It's Beginning
Thing Is It Still Runs The Script
How Do You Make A Script To Be Detected As A Usable Script
Can Anyone help me please?
Thanks To Anyone who does.
so far i have this code it accepts the "/details" command now but it says true instead of what it is supposed to say
//Script created by Michael Braithwaite
function OnGetScriptCommands ()
commands = "<ScriptCommands>";
commands += "<Command>";
commands += "<Name>Details</Name>";
commands += "<Description>Quick Way Of Showing Your Computer Details If You Have The Computer Details Script Installed (http://www.msgpluslive.net/scripts/view/14-Computer-Details/)</Description>";
commands += "</Command>";
commands += "</ScriptCommands>";
return commands;
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd, Message)
var CMD = Message.split(" ", 1).toString();
case "/details" : return Command_details();
function Command_details ()
var OS = (!OS);
return "My Operating System Is ("+OS+")"
i am only testing it out on one command from the computer details script for time being, once i have this little problem sorted i will expand it to show all commands.