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Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here)
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O.P. Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here)
I've got the works emergency callout phone for the week (£50) so, today being my first day with it, ever, everything goes wrong. Fire alarm goes off, I'm up to the college in 5 mins with fire truck waiting for me. we go in, check stuff out. Seems like a system fault so I check the building, reset the system and call the security company for a reset code to the intruder alarm (which we set off by going through the front entrance when the panel for that is in my office at the other side of the building). I go home and once I walk through the door, I don't even have chance to site down before I get called out again. Back up I go, this time telling the security company to not send the fire truck, but I'd rather sort it myself. Turns out I need to call up a seperate company about the fire alarm system (He's on call, like me). He walks me through an "Initiate System" procedure and everything seems to be ok. I wait around for 15 minutes afterwards to make sure this time. As I write down a log of what happened for my boss, it gets set off again so it's back to the same routine of: grab magnet, grab fire alarm keys and goto the main panel in reception. This time the panel is blank. Great start. So I silence the alarm, check same points as in the first activation, nothing still. I call the fire alarm system engineers back up and we run through the same procedure again, this time including something he missed out (to do with the radio repeaters on a loop). The system is silenced and the reset. 5 minutes later another activation, only this time the panel says "CallP 35" which is one of the little "Break Glass" emergency points you get. Now, most of the call points have numbers missing from them, making it harder to find. I checked everywhere as it was being indicated as "Side Lobby" and there are a few places like that. Eventually, I manage to find a broken piece of glass in a call point, so I replace the glass and strobe it (run the magnet down the side to reset it) and reset the rest of the system. By this point my boss was on his way down so I waited 10 minutes and he arrived. Fearing someone may be in the building messing around we had to sneak around in the dark and check the place out. Luckily everything seemed to be ok and I eventually got to go home 4.5 hours after the initial call out. Being paid 4.5 hours at time and a half plus money for the amount of minutes I used on my phone (£100-ish altogether). I've got this callout phone now until friday and I'm dreading it going off again. Now you may have noticed today is/was Saturday. Well, usually this site is closed today and the other site (where I'm actually working this month) is open. So NOBODY has been into the site with the broken call point.

Just sent this to FrozenDaggers and it was so long I thought it's pointless to re-write it to tell everyone :p She says hi btw :wave:
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
03-09-2008 01:02 AM
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Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here) - by Spunky on 03-09-2008 at 01:02 AM
RE: Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here) - by Voldemort on 03-09-2008 at 01:19 AM
RE: Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here) - by L. Coyote on 03-09-2008 at 02:19 AM
RE: Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here) - by Lou on 03-09-2008 at 03:03 AM
RE: Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here) - by Th3rmal on 03-09-2008 at 03:17 AM
RE: Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here) - by Quantum on 03-09-2008 at 09:21 AM
RE: Fire Alarms Suck Balls! (Lots of text here) - by Spunky on 03-09-2008 at 12:23 PM

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